The Freshcast

The Freshcast

The Freshcast [002]: Welcome to Motorcycle Town

April 29, 2013

Music streaming services is the topic of this week’s episode. We’ll discuss which services are our favorites and why. We’ll also compare pricing and features between some of the top contenders in the music streaming industry. In this episode we’re chatting about the first trailer released for R.I.P.D. (The Rest in Peace Department) with Jeff Bridges and Ryan Reynolds. And, of course, we’re back with this week’s Fresh Picks segment where we make recommendations of apps, music, movies, or whatever we think is noteworthy at the time. Let’s hit it!



You can listen to The Freshcast a number of ways: Right here on, follow us on SoundCloud, or subscribe in iTunes. The Freshcast’s theme music is a song by chiptune artist Ben Landis. Listen to more of his work here.

  • Music Streaming Services: Check out the music streaming services we mentioned in this episode. Spotify, Rdio, MOG,, Pandora, Twitter #music.
  • R.I.P.D.: Check out the trailer for the Rest in Peace Department.
  • Sound City Players Album: Casey’s Fresh Pick of the week with tracks from Paul McCartney, Stevie Nicks, Trent Reznor, Dave Grohl, and more.
  • Moon Clerk: An awesome way for business to accept recurring payments online. This is Big Jon’s Fresh Pick of the week.
  • Oblivion: One of Jon’s Fresh Picks. Tom Cruise’s Sci-Fi thriller Oblivion is definitely worth a watch.
  • TweetBot: Another pick of Jon’s, TweetBot, released an update with an awesome “media stream” feature. Check it out.

Thanks for listening! Don’t forget to rate us and leave a review in iTunes!
