The Food Disruptors

The Food Disruptors

#32 Feeding Body, Heart, Mind, SOUL

March 14, 2019

More people than ever suffer diet-related maladies. Global agricultural practices and food storage and distribution systems are over-extended even as population continues to grow and demands for a middle-class "Western" diet take hold among large populations. And we are squandering resources that we may never get back: soil, clean water, clean air, the oceans' fisheries.

Consequently, the guidance that burbles through society about the foods we consume has never been more important. Tastemakers in America's food ways are as powerful a force for culinary cultural disruption as is technology.

For the past two centuries, we consumers have been on the receiving end of a LOT of hooey about what and how to eat. Much of that hooey has come to us from the dicta of federal agencies.

Luckily, new movements and institutions are taking shape that not only tell us how to stay healthy through our nutritional choices, but also that show us how to do so. In this episode of The Food Disruptors, we talk with Jeanne Rosner, the founder of one such organization, SOUL Food Salon. SOUL being Jeanne's acronym for the guiding food principles of Seasonal, Organic, Unprocessed, and Local.

Join us to hear what these principles mean, and how we can make them our own.

Check out these SOUL Food Salon links. Also please see our Show Notes.