The Firstborn Son Show

The Firstborn Son Show

It is About Grandparents, Costly Disconnect of This Era!

September 15, 2012

Please visit our Blog, join our email list for updates, and claim your FREE GIFT from one of our affiliate partners.  The hub of all we do is The Firstborn Son homepage. Today's Show Details: As we seek every week this program is aired to portray the power of multi-generational family legacy, here is thought for you to consider.  I am not sure where I got this from, probably from one of my pastors, but I believe it portrays something of a Hebrew belief statement.  Here it goes... In a row boat our backs face the direction we are headed which means the target is rarely in plain sight.  If we turn our heads to see what's coming while rowing, we likely lose course and direction.  Nevertheless, knowing our target destination, we row smoothly when we have confidence in the distance we have traveled (past) in our sights.  With an occasional view of the target (planning), we have confidence to navigate obstacles (future) that may arise because of our confidence built from the course we have rowed already and yet sits in our sights as we row. Grandparents, good or bad, represent the confidence of the past depicted in the belief statement above.  However, we as young adults and parents of this era have chosen to forget about grandparents and are paying the costly disconnect of our choices.  However, too many of us are oblivious to the existence of this problem within our family. Dr. Trevor Campbell has practiced medicine for over 30 years, focusing on chronic pain, opioid elimination, and counseling.  He co-authored THE GRANDPARENT'S HANDBOOK in partnership with author and esteemed educator Shirley Bell. He will help us understand why it is about grandparents.