The Enthusiasm Enthusiast

The Enthusiasm Enthusiast

Therapy Is For Everyone: With Matt Marr

July 23, 2018

If you have ever felt like therapy was not for you, this episode is for you. I wanted to open up a little about my experience with therapy, and eliminate some of the stigma around it. It was the perfect time to give you a talk with Matt Marr. Matt is a therapist, an actor, and hosts The Dear Mattie Show.

We met after he killed the competition at the Podcast Movement. Within moments, we became fast friends. He's Southern, gay, and loves Wonder Woman. This is my trifecta! I hope you'll check out his work! And if you feel yourself getting overwhelmed by life and the world, please know there is no shame in seeking the help of a therapist. I promise, when you find the right fit, it can be life-changing.

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