The Enthusiasm Enthusiast

The Enthusiasm Enthusiast

How Women Navigate Legal Cannabis

April 17, 2018

If you missed Part 1 (Moms & Weed) and Part 2 (Women Running The Cannabis Industry) of my Women & Weed series, definitely check them out. In part 3, we get down to brass tacks. What's the difference between THC and CBD? How did William Randolph Hearst ruin the cannabis industry? What does it feel like to go from being a black market seller to one who is legit?

Aliza Sherman has had many incarnations in her career. From pioneering the internet to pioneering legal cannabis, she's comfortable leading and supporting women. She's now co-founded Ellementa, a support system for women wanting to learn about and explore cannabis to improve their health.

I attended an Ellementa gathering, and it was incredible to see such a group of very diverse women ready to support each other. Some were cannabis professionals who were happy to educate newbies. Some were women with long-term health concerns, looking for relief. It was a safe space for all. You'll hear my talk with Pam Chotiswadti, MPH. She served as the event's delightful host. She's also tackling cannabis from a public health standpoint which is revelatory.

Please support Drug Policy Alliancewhich helps "reduce the role of criminalization in drug policy, so that people are no longer punished for what they put into their bodies, but only for crimes that hurt others."

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