The Enemy Base Podcast

The Enemy Base Podcast

Cast from Exile - Ep.63 - Travis "Mr. Steal Your Girl" Woo

February 03, 2017

This episode, we have one of the coolest, most badass, most

What is up, what is up ladies & freaks!?!? Happy to have you here with us on Exile Island for our last yet another fantastic from the vault throwback episode! This time we are joined once again by amazing friend of the cast & all around troublemaker Travis “Mr. Steal Your Girl” Woo! Can we get a Ric Flair up in here!?!? ∆ Is there a difference between being stoked & being hyped? Should the modern format be opened up to include Conspiracy? Is T-Woo truly a control player at heart? Are hipsters easy to make fun of? What is with the listener questions this week? How messed up are you people? What is it like losing a GP because of punts? What is with coverage’s beef with Woo? What is a cat pact? When is bad press good press? How far can WotC’s hypocrisy go regarding cheaters? How does Travis prepare for a pro tour? What is it like testing with the ghost of Harambe? What about the game does the Woo embody that makes us love him so much? How strong is his hoop game? What got left on the cutting room floor of the MTG documentary? How do people get stuck in a cycle of unhealthy living? How does the MTG groupie scene work? Who is furiously typing? How generous of a lover is T-Woo? What are the advantages to free lancing? How important is it to be remembered for your memes? Awkward boner or a cell phone? Just how easy is it to get on the pro tour? Who is dat boi? Are we all to blame for the death of Harambe? What is this weeks freaky fact brought to you by Grippos potato chips? Are Grippos the only chips someone has actually killed for? What random hashtag does Travis stumble on? How does Elder Deep-Fiend like to get down? How sweet is T-Woo's YouTube Channel?