JB Shreve & the End of History

JB Shreve & the End of History

Deadly Winter Storms Pummel the US

February 17, 2021

This is your February 17, 2021, Daily Update PODCAST. The big things happening today you need to pay attention to. Follow the daily updates here. 

The Big Stories in Today’s Daily Update

* Winter storms in the US
* Pandemic update
* Nigeria abductions
* Tensions with Turkey

Here are the links mentioned in this February 17, 2021, Daily Update PODCAST if you want to take a deeper dive.

* Extended Power Outages in Texas – New York Times
* Southern States Hit Hard By Ice Conditions – New York Times
* Coronavirus in the Middle East – Washington Post
* South African Variant Dominant in Zimbabwe – BBC
* COVID Linked Syndrome in Children is Growing – New York Times


The daily update podcast is presented by JB Shreve & the End of History. This brief (5-10 minutes) daily update podcast is designed to bring you an overview of major stories and events taking shape around the world – without the political or partisan spin. JB Shreve frequently mixes in a common-sense perspective to the headlines but avoids partisan agendas. The daily update is a tool for listeners to stay informed about the state of the world on a daily basis without fear of untrustworthy political bias or agenda.

If you find these daily update podcasts beneficial, please consider sharing with your friends on social media. Also, take the time to review some of the other podcasts and articles presented by JB Shreve & the End of History for deeper dives into important issues, perspectives, and insights designed to inform and enlighten the End of History listeners. JB Shreve & the End of History seek to equip believers to better confront the chaos of the world we are living in with education, facts, and spiritual insight.

This is your February 17, 2021, daily update podcast!