The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast

The Dr. Rob Show - Healthy Weight Loss Podcast

What is Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism? | DRS 175

March 18, 2015

In this episode of The Dr. Rob Show, we finish our series on Hypothyroidsim and discuss Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism, which is a fairly controversial topic.

Conventionally, little if any acknowledgement is given to this concept.  It is basically defined as a patient having normal lab values, but presents with symptoms of hypothyroid.

People with Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism exhibit, most if not all of the same symptoms as a patient with abnormal levels.  Plus, when a patient diagnosed with Sub-clincal Hypothyroidim is given thyroid medicaiton, there symptoms typically improve.

The conventional approach is treat the blood test and not the patient.  Treating a patient with Sub-clinical Hypothyroid is the exact opposite.

Symptoms of Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism: 

Just like with the other forms of Hypothyroidism, there are a wide variety of symptoms associated with Sub-clinical.  Below is a list of some of the more common symptoms associated with Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism.

Weight gain
Inability to lose weight
Hair loss
Carb cravings
Heavy periods

Causes of Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism: 

Sugar (insulin resistance)
Toxins (food, water, home)
Stress (cortisol)
Aging (menopause)

Lab Testing for Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism: 

Most often, a person with Sub-clinical Hypothyroidism, their TSH level and other thyroid tests are typically normal.  This is why many conventional physicians and endocrinologists will not treat a patient that has symptoms of Hypothyroidism, but normal lab tests.

Blood Tests:

TSH (should be less then 2.0 )
Free T3 (should be greater then 3.5)
Free T4
Anti-TPO (screen for Hashimoto’s)

If you are interested in getting lab testing done, we offer specific lab panels.  To see our panels, click here.

Treatment Options for Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism: 

Below are lists to provide an idea of the many options that may help to minimize symptoms and improve overall quality of life.

Prescription Options for Sub-Clinical Hypothyroidism: 

Dessicated Thryoid (porcine)

Nature Throid
WP Thyroid

Compounded T4/T3
T4 mono-therapy medications (not ideal in our opinion)


Supplement Options for Sub-Clinical Hypothroidism:

Liver support
Adrenal support