The Dream Chaser Show

The Dream Chaser Show

How To Create Transformational Change in Business and Life with Chris Winters

June 05, 2016

Great show today ladies and gentleman, this interview right here is right up there as one of my favorites. I like this one so much because it's not so much about money, success or business. It's really just 2 guys talking about life. My guest today is Chris Winters. Chris is a 7 figure digital nomad. After listening to Chris's story what you'll find is that it's not really so much a story about him as it is a story about all of us. No matter how much success you've experienced or how low you've might been, you'll hear yourself somewhere in this story. Chris Winters lived a largely unsuccessful life and even dealt with alcohol addiction up until he was about 42 years old. It was at that point that he entered a contest that completely transformed his life. If you look at the pictures below you can see what I mean when I say that he completely transformed his life. He says that the picture to the right is the same guy but just a lower version of himself. At his lowest point his wife left him taking along with her their 3 children. He found himself 3 months behind on his mortgage and in over $40,000 of credit card debt. As Chris tells the story, “I was sitting home alone, unemployed and in debt, and trying to figure out what I was going to do with my life and I came across…somehow…a contest. It was a contest from Bill Phillips, who is better known for ESA and the Transformation Contest.” Bill Phillips is a bestselling author and billionaire. One of his bestselling books is Transformation. To make a long story short, Chris actually winded up winning the contest along with a $50,000 cash prize. Winning the contest gave Chris a platform as he started speaking around the world at Bill Phillip's Transformation events. This opportunity gave Chris access to some very financially successful people that opened his eyes up to new possibilities. He said that up until that point his life was headed nowhere. Meeting Bill Phillips wasn't enough to change his life overnight. But it was enough to bump his life just a few degrees in a new direction. Seeing that it was possible to create success for himself he then took on the next challenge which was creating financial success (he still didn't have that piece of the puzzle figured out yet). One day Chris came across an email from internet marketer Mike Koenig. He got sucked into the launch of one of Mike's products which to him was an opportunity that just made perfect sense. The cost of Mike Koenig's program was $2000. At the time Chris didn't have the money. On the last day of the launch Mike made a payment plan available. It turned out that Chris had just enough on one of his credit cards to make the first payment so he bought it. This is where the story begins, click the link to listen in...   Live Big, Dream Big