The Doctor's Companion

The Doctor's Companion

The Doctor’s Companion Ep. 187 - Jumping the Track

April 16, 2014

The TARDIS crew are out of sync but Scott and guest host Mike O’Gorman have a lot of fun with the off the rails William Hartnell 4 part serial “The Space Museum”. The TARDIS jumps a time track and the crew discover their own future selves displayed as exhibits in a museum dedicated to the galactic conquests of the Moroks who now rule the planet. When time shifts back to normal, can they do what it takes to avert this potential future? Can Vicki help the native Xerons start a revolution against the Moroks? How could Ian possibly be any cooler than he already is in this story? Find out in the latest episode of The Doctor’s Companion! And remember, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!

NEXT: Jon Pertwee and “Inferno”!!