The Doctor's Companion

The Doctor's Companion

The Doctor’s Companion Ep. 186 - Swamp Thingy

April 10, 2014

The Doctor travels from Antarctica to England as Scott and guest host Cassandra Fredrickson are along for the ride with the Tom Baker 6 part serial “The Seeds of Doom”. When scientists in the Antarctic uncover two mysterious seed pods, the Doctor soon realises they are extraterrestrial and extremely dangerous. Can the Doctor stop a mad and ruthless plant lover from adding the pods to his collection of rare and beautiful flora before the intelligent life within the pods implement their own sinister plans? Will Sarah Jane be forced to become the Krynoid host? Why does the Doctor have a gun? Find out in the latest episode of The Doctor’s Companion! And remember, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!

NEXT: William Hartnell and “The Space Museum”!!