The Doctor's Companion

The Doctor's Companion

The Doctor’s Companion Ep. 177 – Counting Lives

November 19, 2013

Our 50th Anniversary countdown continues as Scott and Matt discuss Terrance Dicks, pseudonyms, and the Fourth Doctor with the Tom Baker 4-part serial “The Brain of Morbius”. The Doctor and Sarah Jane arrive on the planet Karn where a mad scientist named Solon plans to use spare body parts to resurrect the disembodied brain of the evil Time Lord Morbius and believes the Doctor's is the perfect size. Can the Doctor stop Solon from resurrecting Morbius? Who are the mysterious Sisterhood of Karn? What is the bizarre, meta theory about the Doctor's regeneration limit that was founded in this story? Find out in the latest episode of The Doctor's Companion! And remember, BEWARE OF SPOILERS!!

Plus: The 50th Anniversary Mini episode "THE NIGHT OF THE DOCTOR"!!!

Next: Jon Pertwee and "Spearhead from Space"!!