The Digital Slam

The Digital Slam

Ep 8 - What is Kodak up to, Google Class advertising, and HTML5, QR codes, and NFC for donations on the street

September 09, 2013

Come one, come all, it’s episode 8 of the digital slam! We kick things off this week discussing a very nifty (do people still say that?) app for action sports, as well as giving ourselves a pat on the back for being early thought leaders on the future of Google Glass and advertising (where by thought leaders = a podcast with 10 listeners!). We check out the future of Kodak who have applied to come out of administration, and we discuss an very cool tool LastPass, for managing password data!

Getting into the heavier content we take a look at HTML5, and how HTML5 will change flash advertising, including Google’s new tool to help you start building your advertising this way! We also ponder the future of QR codes and Near Field Communication (NFC). We wrap things up with some cocktail questions for wine companies: have QR codes worked for you? and how many airfare aggregators can the interweb sustain before they start to go broke.

As always we’re looking forward to getting questions from people other than our mums, so drop us a line via or tweet us @HaydsOfNZ or @RichBoyd88 and please use the hashtag #digitalslam!

Hayds & Rich