The Digital Slam

The Digital Slam

Ep 7 - The Digital Slam data special! We have EVERYTHING you need to know about as a digital marketer. Well, apart from when the next iPhone is released.

September 01, 2013

This week we kick things off with Yahoo just edging out Google for who gets more visits to their sites. We’re not talking about search engine traffic (Google remains dominant) but their sites overall. Fascinating stuff, especially if you’re looking at where you should be placing your advertising! Following on from this we dissect whether or not 14% is an insanely low number for Fortune 500 companies who use data to drive decisions.


Getting into the meaty stuff we assess whether or not you should pay for SEO support, why people bother testing, and we try to cut through the cluter and provide a handful of critical metrics to focus on as a marketer.


Rounding the episode out we geek out about getting access to Amazon and the Obama campaigns and data, including some of the startling figures behind Obama’s AB testing.


As always we want to hear from you, so email us at, or tweet @haydsonz, or @richboyd88.


Happy marketing,


Rich & Hayds

The Digital Slam