The Devil You Know: A Constantine Podcast

The Devil You Know: A Constantine Podcast

TDYK 07-The Devil You Know Episode 07-Blessed Be The Damned Review

December 08, 2014

A tale of two Constantines.

If you've listened to our podcast for this week's episode (Blessed Are the Damned), you know that this one didn't wow me the way some of the others have. I've been mulling it over, trying to determine what exactly it was that left this one, and the previous episode, feeling a bit like soup gone cold.

For me, this show really started turning into something I was dying to watch in Ep. 3-The Devil's Vinyl. Sure, the introduction of Papa Midnite didn't hurt. But more than that, TDV was the first episode that really seemed to lock into a universe I could invest in. The focus of the episode (a diabolically-powered record) was something I hadn't seen before, and something that didn't present easy solutions. With Papa Midnite, we saw the series start to veer closer to the comic. Some interesting questions were raised, and the show made it's first major step towards being something more than a supernatural procedural. Read More...