The DAMNcast

The DAMNcast

Episode 75 - Cobra Wizard

July 20, 2015

75 Shows never felt so mother fucking sweet! On our 75th show we start off by discussing Pluto. NASA just flew by the fucker, and took some amazing pictures! Is it a planet, George doesn't think so. We also talk about Bill Cosby's wife Camille, who say's that all the women Bill drugged were willing participants. We all know she's full of shit, but it's just too much fun to play the "my wife Camille" drop from Eddie Murphy RAW... And boy oh boy, Curtis plays the shit out of it during the show. In the second segment we talk to the owner of Arrowhead, a local Canton vintage shop, David Sherrill. If you need a 1984 Battle Armor He Man, David's your man, and Arrowhead is the shop where you'll find an assortment of them! We talk to David about, but not limited to, all sorts of thrift and picker realted topics, and George asks him what his spirit animal is, here's a hint... It's A Cobra Wizard. All that and more on this weeks Monday Episode 75 of theDAMNcast!