The Core Business Show

The Core Business Show

Startup Junkies: Is this an addiction?

January 16, 2015

Startup Junkies: Is this an addiction? Is our topic on The Core Business Show with Tim Jacquet.  Thinking about the term “startup junkie†and I can’t quite figure it out. “Junkie,†indicates some kind of addiction but, unlike heroin or meth, “startups†aren’t a clearly defined drug that you buy on the corner. In fact, if you really think about it, startups aren’t really a definable thing at all but more like a messy, unpredictable process. Are these people really addicted to uncertain processes and outcomes, or is it something else? I’m willing to bet that the vast majority of people who call themselves startup junkies are actually addicted to something other than the difficult task of starting and growing a profitable business. This show is sponsored by Apple Capital Group, Inc.Â