The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Pre-Order Madness

October 21, 2020

The next generation approaches and the team have been frantically trying to secure themselves a new console in November.  Well, some have, other's did it back in May and have breezed through the last few weeks with nary a care in the world.  Andy's disappeared into a decorating black hole for this podcast, so you're stuck with Ali and Matt talking for an hour about pre-ordering, new news on the machines that aren't far away, and a few other bits besides.
In this episode of the Codec Moments Podcast you'll hear about:
Who's got a PS5 coming in November
Bethesda being bought up by Microsoft
New console sizes
Surprisingly little about racing games
Save transfers and next gen upgrades
If they'll have any games to play
Why not join our Discord channels to talk games (and other stuff) and listen to live recordings (and join in) – click here.  If you think that Discord is going to cancel your next gen pre-order on you, then why not check us out on Twitter, Facebook or contact us via email.  The Codec Moments Podcast will return soon.