The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Corona Momentum 2020

April 13, 2020

You wait for ages then two podcasts come along at once!  Hot on the heels of the They Live: Assault on Cable 54 boardgame episode (literally 5 minutes after), Andy, Matt and Ali discuss what they've been up to in the first couple of weeks of the countrywide lockdown.  How has being confined to their houses affected their gaming habits?  Are they starting to go stir crazy?  Isn't this just normal for Andy?
Listen to this episode of the Codec Moments Podcast to find out:
Who's been sneaking in gaming sessions whilst their boss has been on conference calls
How often Animal Crossing is being played
What the team think of the recent iRacing and F1 2019 virtual race broadcasts
Whether DOOM Eternal is too intense
What the They Live Kickstarter is at only 30 mins after recording the last episode
If the Control DLC is worth it
and which team member couldn't resist Modern Warfare 2 Remastered.
Why not join our Discord channels to talk games (and other stuff) and listen to live recordings (and join in) – click here.  If you think that Discord is going to rudely cough in your face, then why not check us out on Twitter, Facebook or contact us via email.  The Codec Moments Podcast will return soon.