The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

February 2020 Gaming Roundup

March 08, 2020

We're back in to the rhythm of never having time to get everyone together to record and failing to put out content.  In a vague effort to do at least one thing for the Codec Moments podcast in March, Matt and Ali got together to talk about what they've played through February.  It turned out to be a very busy month with more games than they realised.  Andy's still lost in the depths of his man cave rebuild... 
Listen to this episode of the Codec Moments podcast to find out:
if Two Point Hospital features
what's Andy up to
is Overpass any good
who's bought hardware
whether Sea of Thieves has improved
what Dreams is like
why Matt's been back to GRID
whether Ali has quelled his looter shooter hunger
and more!
Why not join our Discord channels to talk games (and other stuff) and listen to live recordings (and join in) – click here.  If you think that Discord is going to make you listen for the full hour, then why not check us out on Twitter, Facebook or contact us via email.  The Codec Moments Podcast will return soon.