The Codec Moments Podcast

The Codec Moments Podcast

Games to Look Forward To... 2020

January 14, 2020

It's a scant 10 days into January and we're putting out our second podcast of year... officially more than the last 3 months of 2019.  Woo!  What's more, it was actually a live broadcast on our own internet radio channel.  Oooh, get us catching up with the early Naught-ies.  For those that missed the delight of hearing us screw up in real time, here's an edited version that makes us sound ever-so-slightly more professional when we're talking about the games of 2020 that we're interested in.  If that's not enough, you can have around the clock noise right here.
In this episode of the Codec Moments Podcast, you'll hear:
Which games each of us looking forward to in the first half of 2020
Some random tenuously linked CES gadget announcements
A bit of a filthy quiz that neither Ali or Matt felt clean after
Live jingles
Late additions to the running order
GAME store news (and a bit of ranting)
and more!
Why not join our Discord channels to talk games (and other stuff) and listen to live recordings (and join in) – click here.  If you think that Discord is going to questions your skills on identifying grot film titles rather than your 2020 games taste, then why not check us out on Twitter, Facebook or contact us via email.  The Codec Moments Podcast will return soon.