The Casual Academic: A Literary Podcast

The Casual Academic: A Literary Podcast

Aside #23 - Overlooked Authors Series with NYRB Classics

March 06, 2018

On Aside #23, we discuss our upcoming series on overlooked authors! The next four episodes will feature:

Samskara: A Rite for a Dead Man - U.R. Ananthamurthy
White Walls - Tatyana Tolstaya
Thus Were Their Faces - Silvina Ocampo
Notes of a Crocodile - Qui Miaojin

We talk about why we chose each author and what about them piqued our interest.

Overlooked Authors Month is brought to you in part by the NYRB Classics. Check out their awesome selection of books here:

Don't forget to join the conversation on facebook, instagram and twitter, or email us at Are you a lover of NYRB Classics as well? Let us know, and in the meantime, happy listening!


Episode Music:
"Wolverine Blues" - Jelly Roll Morton