The Career Cue Podcast

The Career Cue Podcast

ICYMI - February 2017

February 28, 2017

February is short month anyway but it's still hard to believe that we're staring March in the eye already. As we wrap up the month, we want to share a quick overview of all the episodes and fantastic content published.   TheCareerCue crew are also celebrating our highest monthly downloads! We're excited to see the numbers increase month-over-month (yep, we're data nerds). A huge thanks to all TheCareerCue followers around the world! You inspire us to keep going.   Here's what happened in February Travel + Career = Jobbatical with Alina Basina Asia, Europe, Australia. Are any of these locations on your list of dream places to work? Make that dream a reality through Jobbatical. In this episode, we chat with Alina Basina, Head of Talent at Jobbatical, and she's sharing how you can travel the world without skipping a beat in your career. Listen now. Burn Out Bubble with Sara Harvey Yao Sara Harvey Yao joins us to talk through the ways to recognize whether you're being driven by fear or inspiration and how to work through stress (versus managing it). She explains how you can start with small changes today, even sitting at a stop light. Listen now. Authentic & Strategic Interviews with Thea Kelley You're getting ready the big interview. Do you know what your R.E.V points are? Thea Kelley, author of Get That Job! The Quick and Complete Guide to a Winning Interview, walks us through how to prepare, practice, and stand out from other candidates. Listen now. Negotiating the Offer with Alisa Tazioli What are the components of a job offer? When should I start talking about salary ranges? What is negotiable? We dive into these questions and more with Alisa Tazioli, Managing Director at Major, Lindsey & Africa in Seattle. Alisa takes us through which questions to ask yourself, the recruiter or hiring manager, and what to do when you get the offer. Listen now. City Year and the Impact of Volunteering In this special three-part series, we sit down with members of City Year Seattle/King County to learn more about the incredible impact being made in schools every day as well as how you can make a difference in your community through volunteerism. Listen now. Navigating the Performance Review with Michele Goedde Performance review time can generate butterflies in the best of us. What happens if it doesn't go as well as you expected? Michele Goedde, Founder of Michele Goedde Coaching, walks us through the steps to embrace the process, making sure you and your manager are on the same page when it comes to the definition of "meeting expectations" and "exceeding expectations" as well as tips on setting goals for future success. Be sure to revisit this episode when preparing for your review! Listen now. STEM Careers with Faith Rothberg STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math) has been, and will continue to be, a hot topic in workforce conversations. Today, we're scratching the surface on the future of STEM careers with Faith Rothberg from College Recruiter. Faith discusses just how big of a footprint these types of careers will create in both the short and long-term, and how to look at STEM with a wider lens. Listen now. The Professional Dashboard with Tom Perry Tom Perry, Founder of Engaged Pursuit, returns to the studio to chat about how his team assists clients in building their professional dashboard. He breaks down the six elements involved and how the process allows for deeper exploration and evaluation in the professional experience. Listen now. As we tear off another page of the calendar, we're off to work on releasing the 37th episode of TheCareerCue podcast series. Stay tuned!