The Cancer Survivor Show by The Chemo Girls

The Cancer Survivor Show by The Chemo Girls

Latest Episodes

August 06, 2014

As they were ripping out carpets and floors, disassembling, sanding, cleaning, picking out tiles and grout and painting on their duplex, it occurred to Sharon that the process was a bit like going through treatment for cancer. During this podcast Sharon

National Women's Survivors Convention
July 30, 2014

We are reposting this podcast in honor of The National Women’s Survivors Convention starting tomorrow, July 31-August 1 in Nashville, TN. Our podcast today is dedicated to Judy and Karen, The founders of the Convention. If you can be there, we encourag

Raquel Corey: "Being There" & Suffering
July 23, 2014

In this interview, I (Sharon) interview my dear friend Raquel Corey. Being kind, encouraging and affirming has always been part of Miss Raquel's fundamental makeup. This natural talent for making those around her feel important and supported was a perfe

50th Show!
July 15, 2014

What!?? How in the world is it that Lucy & Sharon have over 50 podcast shows under their belt? In this podcast they reflect on their mission, talk through the birth of the show, and discuss some of their favorite shows. Come and listen as the girls ref

July 09, 2014

As most of us know, sleep plays a vital role in maintaining our health and overall well-being. It is while we rest and sleep that our bodies and brain "repair" themselves from the physical and mental stresses that are placed upon them throughout the day.

Rare Moments
July 02, 2014

Learning to recognize rare moments and deciding to jump into them with both feet can make the difference between surviving and THRIVING through your storm. Whether your cancer story has you playing the leading role or supporting cast, the simple truths r

Breast Cancer License Plates & Georgia CORE: Angie Patterson
June 25, 2014

If you want to make a difference in the state of Georgia for women and families who are struggling through treatment for breast cancer in a simple and practical way, this podcast will give you the perfect opportunity to do just that! And WHEW! Our int

Do Cold Caps Remedy Chemo Induced Hair Loss?
June 18, 2014

Hair loss is possibly the most globally dreaded side effect of chemo. Most often the first question out of a patient's mouth when they hear they must undergo chemo therapy is, "Will I lose my hair?' Cold caps to the rescue! These awkward and expensive

National Survivors Day
June 11, 2014

How is it that the Chemo Girls have missed National Survivors Day? National Cancer Survivors Day® is a CELEBRATION for those who have survived, an INSPIRATION for those recently diagnosed, a gathering of SUPPORT for families, and an OUTREACH to the comm

Constipation & Cancer Treatment
June 04, 2014

Tee hee hee, they said constipation. Yes, we said it and we know this is not a glamorous topic, but if you are going through cancer treatment, it is likely a painful reality for you. In this podcast Lucy and Sharon talk through the many possible reasons