The Cancer Survivor Show by The Chemo Girls

The Cancer Survivor Show by The Chemo Girls

Humor & Cancer: (Re-post) In Honor of Robin Williams

August 13, 2014

"Comedy cuts across a lot of barriers, I there stand up tragedy?" This is a quote by Mr. Robin Williams from a 2013 interview with Pat Harvey in which he spoke frankly about his blessings as well as his demons. Lucy & Sharon have been deeply saddened by the death of the beloved Robin Williams, as so many have. If ever there was a human being that understood the power of humor in difficult times, it was Mr. Williams. He possessed an ability to "see" us, then reach out through his work to touch us right in the center of our humanity! Because we respect his humor as well as his kind and gentle heart, we dedicate this interview with cancer survivor and comedian Brenda Elsagher to Robin Williams and his family. We pray you rest in peace, brother.