The Business Stylist® Podcast

The Business Stylist® Podcast

How Can I Switch To A New Market Segment?

November 02, 2015

The Business Stylist® Podcast Episode 136
This podcast and video are part of my ongoing Question and Answer series where I’m answering common questions I receive from independent coaches and consultants.

What do you do if you have an existing business but you want to switch to a new market segment?

Maybe you're currently a coach or consultant who works with large businesses and you'd like to switch and start helping solo professionals.

Is it simply a matter of rebranding, or is there more involved?

This is something I've done multiple times in my career so I can answer this question from a been-there-done-that perspective.

And that's exactly what I do in this video.

You can learn more about how to Package, Brand, Market, and Sell your services, and how to do this for a new market segment as well, here.
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The The Business Stylist® Podcast is brought to you by Debbie LaChusa, aka The Business Stylist®. In each episode, Debbie shares bite-sized marketing tips and advice to help independent coaches, consultants, and other service professionals Package, Brand, Market, and Sell their services more effectively.