The Business and Marketing Show

The Business and Marketing Show

Three Question Coaching Template For Fast Results By Amir Mahmoud

April 13, 2015

A short, sweet and super simple, easy way to coach people that you could use to get more results when you're coaching.

Time Stamps for "Three Question Coaching Template For Fast Results By Amir Mahmoud"

0:42—A Really Important Concept
1:27—Taking Action
2:34—Three Question Package
3:41—"What Are Your Metrics?"
4:23—Give Feedback
5:22—Massive Results

Amir Mahmoud's 3 Question Package:
Coaching is all about taking action.  The whole goal is to give them just enough information for them to take action and then point them to additional resources.
If you want to get a copy of the whole transcript from today’s podcast, click the button below:

Amir: Hey everybody! It’s Amir here of Business and Marketing Mentors. I just want to go over a really important concept. I just got an email not too long ago. Somebody saying “Hey Amir. I know that you are coach. I know that you’ve trained to be a coach. How do I become a coach? I want to start coaching.” My answer of course is to take all the trainings that I had but if you just want a short, sweet and super simple and easy way to coach people, this is probably one of the best really quick, short video that you could use and immediately apply to get more results when you’re coaching.

What Coaching is really all about.
Amir:What happens actually is in a lot of times, people go ahead and they think that coaching is telling somebody on phone call lots of information. It’s like “Hey! Here’s what to do. Here’s a lot of information. More information. More information. More information." The reality is coaching is all about people taking action. How do you get people to take action and also balance the amount of information you give them? It is really easy. It is really simple. One of the ways to do it is to point them to additional resources. If you’re coaching somebody, the whole goal is to give them just enough information for them to take action and then point them to additional resources. The other part of coaching is when they make mistakes, how do you give them feedback? The necessary information they so they won’t make the same mistake again and show them how get out of that problem faster and easier. That’s two primary kind of ideas in coaching is why? What do you want to be doing? It’s giving feedback and pointing them to resources. How do you structure it to make sure that they take action? Let’s say you give them feedback, you give them resources. How do you make sure that they take action? The most important thing for you to do is to set-up metrics, things that they have to do between one coaching session and another. Really simple idea.

The Three Question Package
Amir: In fact, I’ve practice this in to a 3 question package that you apply to every single one of your coaching sessions. You just let your coaching clients “hey guys. These are the 3 things that we are going to do in every session. It’s going to follow this template. What starts to happen is to take a lot more action. They know clearly what they need to do and when you talk, it’s really effective use of both of your time. I’ve got here on the white board. Tadah! Just in case you can’t read them. I don’t know what the lighting is like on the replay here. Number 1 is what did I do? These are the metrics. Whenever you finish doing a coaching session, you want to give them next steps. This is pretty much also at the end of your next steps that they need to take inside their business, take inside their personal development change or whatever it is that you’re coaching this person for. You want to give them next steps.