The Business and Marketing Show

The Business and Marketing Show

Think And Grow Rich - Paul Hutchings with William Wood

March 17, 2015

Tune in to today’s podcast as William Wood interviews Paul Hutchings, host of the show  “Think and Grow Rich.” The design of the show is to give you emotional and financial freedom.


Time Stamps for “Think And Grow Rich – Paul Hutchings with William Wood”


3:19—I love entrepreneurship!

6:48—The Secret

9:25—Very Successful Entrepreneurs

12:19—Massive away from motivation


18:13—Exact opposite

21:15—Crystal Clear

23:2—Something that burns inside

25:3—Jump off the building

28:40—Make a difference

31:49—Haven’t been as religious

34:23—Greatest Discoveries

37:16—My vision

40:17—Separation and Space

43:25—Think less


Paul Hutchings:
The beacon of hope to anyone who’s looking to becoming an entrepreneur. He will Inspire you, motivate you and lift you up!


If you want to get a copy of the whole transcript from today’s podcast, click the button below:


Will: Welcome to the show. This is William Wood, your host. I’m super excited to be here. To inspire you, motivate you, lift you up! And really give you hope. The design of the show is to give you emotional and financial freedom. To show you how to pave the road to freedom, baby! And that’s what this show is all about. So I’ve got on the line today, Paul Hutchings.

Paul is an acquaintance of mine. I’ve known Paul now for just under a year. And then later on, Paul came on in to NLP of California where I teach. He took the NLP Practitioner course. I think you’re taking the Master Practitioner course as well, isn’t that right Paul?

Paul: I plan on it. Yeah.

Will: Yeah, nice!


Beacon of Hope


Will: So, I got to know him there. Really got to know his mind and his heart. And I got to know a little bit of his story. And I really wanted to bring him on today because I think that Paul shines as a beacon of hope to anyone who’s looking to becoming an entrepreneur. Paul has been an entrepreneur since 2005 and he hosts the “The Think and Grow Rich” – it’s a mindset call that plays Monday – Friday. 9 AM EST. And the access number, if you guys wanna connect with him there is 712 – 432 – 0900. The access code is 565 762. There’s also a replay of the show that you can play for 24 hours if you happen to miss the live call. The phone number is the same. 712 – 432 – 0990 Instead of 0900. That will be the replay. But the reason why we have Paul on today is just to participate and drop all his brilliance. So Paul, why don’t you tell us a little about who you are and a little bit about your journey as an entrepreneur?

Paul: Yeah, hey! I appreciate it. And Will, man – I’m so excited to be here.

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: When you were talking about why you are doing this podcast, I was like – “Yeah! Freedom! Entrepreneurship!” Lift people! Inspire people! This is my show! [Laughing]

Paul: I connect with that. That’s why I’m here. That’s why I do what I do. Just real quick and then I’ll share a little bit about my story. I’ve been reading a book called Start with Why by Simon Sinek. And one of the things that he said in this book that I think is really powerful is that he said – Great leaders always start with WHY. They know why they do what they do. But not only they know why they do what they do. He said they do a great job of communicating that.

In all of their communications. And he says, what that does is that it causes people to connect with them and be loyal to them and just identify with them. And so, as you were opening up your intro – what you did was exactly what he says to do on his book and it has an effect on me that he says that it has. I just identified – I love freedom, I love entrepreneurship, I love self-reliance, I love personal development and being the best that you can be, I love personal choice.

Anything that I can do to help people embrace that stuff and move forward. I’m happy to do so. Glad to be here. Really appreciate you for having me on the show.

Will:  Glad to have you!


Paul’s Journey


Paul: My quick story. And I will make it quick. You know how we storytellers are. We tend to keep going on and on and on. [Laughing] But just a quick story, I was raised in Southeast Idaho. Farm country. Grew up in a single parent home. My dad actually took off when I was 8 years old. So, I was raised by my mom. It was just my younger sister and I and my mom.

Growing up, we had a lot of love in our family. My mom is an amazing woman but we never had a lot of money. I tell a story from time to time. I remember when I was a kid; I would always see my mom sitting at the kitchen table with this notebook out. And just this look of stress on her face. And I didn’t know what it was when I was a kid, I just knew like she was stressing out. She had a calculator out and a notebook. And this was at night after she’s been working hard all day long in order to provide a living for us.

And now I look back on that and I know what it was. She was stressing about money. She was a single parent, two kids to raise, she was working a low paying job. And so, I kinda saw that as a kid and experienced what that was like and made a decision sort of I guess, back then – that I wanted to have more in life.

I wanted to have more do more and be more. And so, I kinda have that seat plan. And then I grew up and listened to the teachers. Did what everyone said to do. You know the line “Go to school. Get a good job. Live happily ever after.”

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: So I was like, “Okay that sounds good. Happily Ever After? Who doesn’t want that? “

Will: Right!

Paul: So I went to school. I worked hard. I got good grades. And I graduated. And I came back here to Idaho. And I started working for a Fortune 500 Company. In a Call Center making 11 bucks an hour. Wasn’t exactly what I planned.

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: I actually got good grades in school. I graduated with honors. And I was like, “Alright baby! Bring it on World!” I’m ready to go out there and make it happen. And 11 bucks an hour was my job. [Laughing]

Paul: Really! This isn’t what they told me. This isn’t what my teachers told me. “Oh well, let’s make the best of it.” So I started working on this job. Started to progress a little bit. But even though I was progressing in the company, I had frustrations.

I remember I was sitting in an interview one time with my boss. And I was wanting to advance to another position and he says, “Paul, what are some of your strengths?” And I said, “Well you know, what strength I think I have? I think I’m passionate about what I do.” And he said, “Okay, okay.” So we get to the end of the interview. And then he said, “Number one you didn’t get the job. And number two, are you okay with some feedback?” And I was like,” Yeah.” and he’s like, “Paul, you’re not passionate.”

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: And this was coming from a guy who in my opinion was totally without passion. And so, I was like, “Really? Is this what I have to look forward to?” And other shenanigans.

Paul: I’ll tell you another kind of a funny story. My friend Arnold and I. We we’re working together. He’s cubicle was next to my cubicle. [Laughing] We wanted to advance, we wanted to do well. And so Arnold, he meets with his boss. His boss name is Doug. And he’s like, “Doug, tell me what to do to advance in this company?” and Doug’s like, “Come here Arnold, listen in. Are you ready for the secret?” And Arnold’s like, “Yeah man, I want the secret.” He’s like, “Listen; here’s what you’ve got to do. You’ve got to get yourself a set of spandex shorts, you’ve got to get yourself a racing bike and you’ve heard of Lance Armstrong? Right, Arnold?” And Arnold was like, “Yeah.” And he was like, “You’ve got to go buy yourself all Lance Armstrong books and start racing.” And Arnold got this bewildered look on his face and he was like, “What?!”

Will: [Laughing]

Paul:  “Arnold, the Vice-President of Sales is into all this stuff. And if you want to advance, this is what it takes.” And Arnold, he walks out of that meeting and he comes over to me. And he’s got this destroyed look on his face. He was like, “You will not believe what just happened.” And I was like, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” [Laughing]

Will: That’s awesome!

Paul: Yes, stuff like this. I do not want this for the rest of my life. I do not want to live in a cubicle. I do not want to be in a box. I do not want people putting their thumb on my head and saying, “This is as high as going to climb and no more.” I felt like I had this potential. When I think about my time in the corporate world, I always talk about NLP and how we think. I always imagine myself in a box. Crunched up, I got my arms folded and it’s like I’m trying to get out but someone wrapped duck tape around the box and I can’t go up and I can’t go to the side. That’s how the corporate experience was for me. And I was like, “Man, whatever I’ve got to do, I’ve got to get out of this place.” And so I found Network Marketing. [Laughing] Hey! Network Marketing.

Paul: Let’s see, I said it’s going to be quick. How long are we going? 45 minutes?

Will: You’re good man. Just keep on rolling, this is great!

Paul: So I joined Network Marketing because I saw that as a way out. And long story short, first company came and went no success. Second company came and went. On and on… 14 companies later…

Will: Are you serious? 14 companies? [Laughing]

Paul: Yeah. [Laughing] 14. When you ask me,” Paul, how long have you been an entrepreneur?” I was kinda confused, because I was like, “Does he want to know like, successfully?” Because I started in 2005 but there were years of failure.

Will: You know, let me interrupt you here for a minute. One of the most interesting classes that I took as an undergraduate; I took a class that was called an Entrepreneurial Lecture Series. I did a Spanish translation major and then I had a business minor for my undergraduate that went on to MBA.

But as an undergraduate, we have this option to just listen to entrepreneurs come in and lecture. And that’s exactly what it was. It was once a week, I think it was a Tuesday. We go in and Alums who had graduated came back and they lecture. And I’ll tell you what, we listen in a semester, we listen to, I forgot how many – 20 people came in and lecture or something like that. Very, very successful entrepreneurs.

People who are making millions, some of them hundreds of millions of dollars in the course of the year inside their companies. And, one of the common threads that was in all of their stories as they would talk about how they went from rags to riches or how they built their business is that all of them faced massive amount of success.

One of the guys that stands out in my mind, he talks about getting married and his Father in-law was like, “What do you for a living?” And he was like, “Well, I’m self employed.” I forgot what business he was in at that point. And he’s father was like, “You know you’ve got to take care of my daughter. You really kinda put through ringer on it.” He declared bankruptcy 9 times. Over the next 10 years.

Paul: Oh My God!

Will: I mean, everything he touched withered and died. And just fell apart. And he’s Father In-law was ready to kill him. [Laughing] He was like, “You promised me you’d take care of my daughter and here you are failure after failure.” But then he said. His 10th business made him so much money that he couldn’t even count it.

He was living in a house and he’d open up the front door in the morning and money just started flowing through the door. He’d open up the window and money would start flowing through the window. He’d open up the microwave and money would flow out of the microwave. The whole house was just being lifted up by hundred dollar bills and he couldn’t even contain it. He couldn’t give it away fast enough.

And he said, “If I haven’t gone through the period of struggle, I wouldn’t have become the man that I am today. If I haven’t gone through the period of failure I wouldn’t have gotten to the place where I can handle the millions that I now make.”

So, awesome stuff man. I’d love to hear it. 14 companies in Network Marketing. And it was like one failure to the next. And then what happened?

Tell me – two things. One is, how do you manage to keep yourself motivated? Most people, let’s be honest – most people if they had one failure in business, I don’t care if it’s a traditional business or network marketing same mindset, right? If they had one failure, they’re like, “That’s it. I’m going back. I’m going back into the cubicle. I’m going back into the little box. I’m going to let them duck tape me. I’m going to buy my Lance Armstrong spandex and show up to work – strutting my stuff.” [Laughing] What was it that kept you motivated through 14 failures?

Paul: It’s interesting. One of things that I’ve learned as I’ve started studying with you and learning about NLP is – we learned that there are two types of motivation. There’s this Away from and there’s Force motivation. And I think for me, it was massive away from motivation.

Will: [Laughing] Explain that to the listeners. So that they would understand what we’re talking about with Away from motivation.

Paul: Well, let me share one more story with you. From my work experience.

Will: Okay, yeah. Sure. Yeah!

Paul: I’m on the job and my boss came to me and said,“Hey Paul, we need you to fly down to Phoenix and do this meeting for the company.” And I was like, “Oh snap! It’s my first year wedding anniversary this weekend.” And I said, “Do you mind if I check with my wife?” And he’s like, “Yeah.. Go ahead and check with your wife.” So I said, “Honey, hey I’m really sorry. The company wants me to fly down to Phoenix.” And she said, “You better do it, it’s our income, right?” And I was like, “Okay.”

So I flew down to Phoenix and did the meeting. Saturday night, the meetings were all done. I’m sitting in a steak house eating diner by myself. I called my wife on my cell phone and said, “Happy Wedding Anniversary, honey!” This is how I spent my first year wedding anniversary. That’s over, right?

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: 6 month later, I’m in my review with my boss. And we’re sitting face to face. And he’s like, “Paul you’re doing good here, here and here. But there’s one thing that we’re concerned about.” And I said, “What is that?” And he said, “We’re concerned about your loyalty to the company?” And I was like, “Really? Why are you concerned about my loyalty to the company?”

And he said, “Remember when we wanted you to fly down to Phoenix and do that meeting?” And I was like, “Yeah?” And he was like, “You hesitated.” And I was like, “For peace sake’s man, it was my first year wedding anniversary! And all I wanted to do was just check with my wife about it, right? I went to the meeting, I did the meeting and you’re questioning my loyalty?” These experiences just caused me to be like, “Naah! No! Like I’m running away from this as fast as I can!”

Will: [Laughing]


If you want to get a copy of the whole transcript from today’s podcast, click the button below:




Paul: And I don’t care. In fact I remember saying to myself I was like – kind of another part of my story is, I was living in a single wide trailer house at that time because my wife and I when we first got married we didn’t have money at all, really.

My wife I think she had a few thousand dollars saved up. And my grandfather had this farm land here in Idaho. And he was like, “Hey, if you guys want you can get a trailer and park it on my land.” And we were like, “Hey, you know, we can stay out of debt, we can save money.”

So, I’m living in this trailer and I remember saying this to myself, “I don’t care if I have to live in a trailer house for the rest of my life, I don’t care if I have to make less money for the rest of my life, my FREEDOM is so important to me!” I’ll be dramatic and call it SLAVERY!

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: It was away from the slavery and it was towards the freedom. I didn’t even really had the desire to get rich. I didn’t have the desire to drive nice and fancy cars and living big fancy homes. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. It wasn’t just my desire. My desire was FREEDOM. Just get me to a point where I can be in charge of my own life. And, that’s what kept me motivated I guess through those failures.

Will: It was the same motivation that motivated the Founding Fathers. When we talk about freedom, there’s Freedom from and Freedom to. And there’s Freedom from to yearning. “Tip in the tea over in the Boston harbor.” Freedom from to yearning. But then there’s also freedom to. Freedom to do what you want, spend the time the way you wanna do it and really live the kind of life that you were meant to live. And you’ve realized that you were not meant to live as a corporate slave anymore, I love it!

Paul: Right. I love that. Freedom from and Freedom to. I haven’t heard that before. That’s good.

Will: Yeah. So, you have this experience of motivating yourself by just saying, “Never again, no way, I’m not going to spend my anniversaries on some dumb corporate trip. Eating a steak and a salad alone in a restaurant, throwing kisses to your wife over the phone.” [Laughing]

Will: What was it in you? There’s a difference between succeeding and failing. One of the things that I’m interested in and one of the things that I think the people of NLP is interested in is what’s the difference that makes the difference? What was it that changed in you that caused you to go from failure to massive serial failure? We’re not talking once; we’re talking like failing over and over again. What got you from failure to success?

Paul: That’s a great question. And what’s really interesting about that question is I know exactly what it was. Or at least I think I know. Napoleon Hill in the book “Outwitting the Devil”. He talks about how there’s a point in people’s lives hopefully. He said, “Not all people get to this point.” But he said, “There’s a point where you become introduced to your other self.”

As what he said. You become introduced to what you really got inside of you. And for a lot of people, they don’t get introduced to that because they don’t put themselves in situations where they have to be introduced to that or where they have to stretch or where they have to dig deep and find out, “Hey, what do I really have?”

Earl Nightingale said in The Strangest Secret, something about mediocrity. Oh, I forgot the quote. But he was talking about mediocrity. He said, 97% out of every 100 people that get up and go to work and you ask them,“Why are they going to work?” And they don’t know. They just do it because everyone else is doing it. They get a paycheck, there’s a certain level of security there, and they just do what their boss tells them to do.

And so they don’t really, in most cases, have to stretch and dig deep and find out what’s inside. Well, for me what happened was in June of 2009, I thought maybe my problem was that I had a job. Maybe this is why I’m failing. And so I said to my wife, “Honey, we’ve got some savings, we’re living in a trailer, maybe if I quit my job – this will be the answer.” And so she’s like, “I believe in you Honey. Let’s do it!” So I quit my job, I went full time in the business and what happened over the next 6 months Will was the exact opposite of what I thought is going to happen. [Laughing]

Will: Wooooh.


Down on my knees and prayed  to God


Paul: My income went down. So in December of 2009, I was living in a single wide trailer house, I had a few hundred dollars a month coming in. My business had gone down. This is after 14 companies and I was just at the end of my rope. I didn’t know what else to do. And it was compounded by a couple of things. My third son Kyson, was born in December of 2009.

And I remember one day in January of 2010, I was sitting in my little office with the brown paneled walls in my trailer. Got my computer out trying to figure out how to make this stuff work. And my wife came home and I got up from my desk and I walked out to meet my wife – and she was in tears. and I was like, “Honey, what’s wrong?” And she said, “Kyson has a condition called Craniosynostosis which means the bones in his head are fused together. He’s gonna have to have a surgery down at Primary Children’s Hospital.”

And she was crying as she was telling me this. A $50,000 surgery down at the Primary Children’s Hospital. We had just let our insurance left a month before because we’re running out of money, right? I had no job. And I’m living at this trailer house and things are not working. That’s where I was at!

And then it kinda came into a head, one night, when I was talking – I got this two other boys, my two older boys. I read on their stories at the back room of this trailer. Put them to sleep. Sitting there and seeing them sleeping. And I remember looking at their faces and just realizing that what I was doing was not working – I was failing.

And I was just looking at these two old boys realizing that, “Man! These guys are depending upon me! I’m the guy! What happens if I don’t make it work?” And I just got this feeling of fear, I guess you could say. And frustration. What it caused me to do is it caused me to drop down on my knees and pray to God.

This isn’t like a religious thing – The only thing left that I can think of was to pray to God for help. So I knelled down and I prayed. I was like, “I’ve done everything I can. I don’t know what else to do. Can you please help me find some solutions?” What happened out of that two things: One thing, I was introduced to your brother, Dave.

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: I was doing a search on Google trying to learn stuff. And I met Will’s brother and I started to gain some skills that I didn’t have before. But the other thing that happened which I think was as big or maybe even bigger, is I got this feeling that I needed to study the book “Think And Grow Rich”. And not just read it – like I’ve read the book probably 4 or 5 times. My first network marketing company, the recommended reading list – Think and Grow Rich was on that book.

Will: Sure.

Paul: But I read it. And I didn’t apply what it taught. And so I got this feeling like, “Paul, you need to read this book. You need to apply it. You need to make it your study guide – your companion.”

Religiously, I started to study that book. And I started to do what it said. And one of the things that it says, you’ve got to have a major definite purpose. You’ve got to be very clear. Like what we learned in NLP – Clarity. Crystal clear – What do you want?

So, there’s this major definite purpose and then there’s also had this self-confidence formula which is meant to help you build belief and build faith and develop self confidence. So, every night I’m walking outside my trailer house looking up at the stars and I’m saying to myself, “By the first day of, I will have in my position X amount of dollar.”

And then I’m repeating the self confidence formula and I’m doing it religiously. And what happened to me Will, was I went – and it’s funny how I remember that… I went from the state of hoping that it was gonna work, wishing, crosses my fingers, praying that it was gonna work. That got replaced with this belief; with this faith where I knew it was gonna work. I could see the check, I knew it’s gonna work. And I knew that all I had to do was do the action in my business and serve the people in the ways that I needed to serve them and that money would come in to my bank account.

That was when I got introduced to my other self. That’s when I started to learn what real faith was. Seeing something before. Before you can hold it in your hand, seeing it in your mind, seeing it out there in the ether. And the rest is history. My goal that I was focusing on, hit that! Then it doubled then it tripled, then it doubled… It just continued to increase ever since that time outside my trailer house in my driveway.

Will: That’s awesome man! And one of the things that I’m absolutely clear on, in my mind is that there are principles or laws of success if you wanna call them that. And when we obey those principles, we get success.

Now, there are people who are listening to this that are in the network marketing industry and then there are people that are not. There are people that are in professional careers. There are people that are in their own business somewhere. And what we wanna say, and what I wanna say – loud and clear, is no matter where you are, no matter what kind of company you’re doing or no matter what kind of freedom you are pursuing.

Listen to the principles and the story that he just shared. They’re Incredible! There is something amazing about acting in faith. There’s something amazing about getting clear on what it is that you want. Not something that you’re just wishing for, not something that you are idly hoping for but something that burns inside of you – something that burns in your belly and burns in your bones. And when you can get it that deep inside – it’s yours! It’s yours. It’s right there.

Will: There are two creations: The first creation is in the mind. And the second creation is in the outside world. But just creating it in the mind doesn’t mean that you just go around chanting it all the time.

Paul: [Laughing]

Will: Right? [Laughing] I think it was Jim Rohn said, “You’ve got a plan, Don’t chant!” Having said that, if the chanting is helpful, the mental exercises are helpful but if you don’t take it to the next level and go out and start putting some action into your plan, nothings gonna happen. So it’s – Believe it! See it! Create it! And then go work for it! I love it man, this is an awesome story!

Paul: Yeah. Jim Rohn said – you reminded me his quote as he said, “Affirmation without discipline is the beginning of delusion.” [Laughing]

Will: [Laughing] That’s right! Yeah. It’s is. Now, that doesn’t mean that affirmation is worthless. It doesn’t mean that – I mean, I’m heck! I work in a field where I program peoples mind. I’m gonna help them change their mindsets. The mindset governs everything else. Mindset first but it’s not just sitting in the corner tracting millions of dollars to yourself without ever putting a shovel on the ground, so to speak.

Paul:  Yeah. And one of the lines from the self-confidence formula in the book Think And Grow Rich is, “I will deliver the best possible quality and the highest possible quantity of service in the capacity of…” So in that affirmation, you’re basically telling yourself that, “I’m gonna do the best I can and I’m gonna affect the most people.” So you’re programming that. The discipline in as well.

Will: Yeah! Its discipline connected with the mindset. But I love your story! This is awesome! Now, if we go back to your Think And Grow Rich call, just for a minute. This call is really designed for entrepreneurs to help them set their mindset, is that right?

Paul: Yeah. It’s basically all about just sharing what happened to me and continuing the journey for myself. And what I discovered when I started studying Napoleon Hill, could kinda go back to what you said about. There are principles, there are commonalities, and there are laws. Like that Earl Show audios I said. He said, If you jump off a building, you’ll always go down. It doesn’t matter if you’re a saint or a sinner. The law of gravity dictates that you’re gonna go down. And so these laws, applies to success. Period. Laws of Success. So, I started to learn more about Napoleon Hill. His story just fascinates me.

Will: [Laughing]

Paul: Andrew Carnegie, the richest man on planet Earth. Recruits Napoleon Hill and said, “Hey, would you take 25 years of your life without pay and I’ll connect you with the movers and the shakers of the world – my rich and wealthy friends. And will you organize these laws so that people can have them, so that prosperity can have them.”And so yeah, this call is all about studying those laws and being – what we like to say on the call – we’d call it a “Practitioner”.

Like the NLP Practitioner. We say we’re Think And Grow Rich Practitioners. Because I don’t know when we’ll get to a point where were perfect at it and we continue to practice. And sometimes, maybe slack a little bit on our persistence and we need to be reminded of that. We’ll slack a little bit on our passion and we need to be reminded of that.

It’s not a thing that you’re just passionate all your life and all your business because you figured it out. It seems like there are ups and downs, right? Being immersed in this material for me just constantly helps me to be a practitioner. And to pick myself up when I fall down. It helped a lot of people.

I checked last week, we had between 350 – 400 live people who dialed in on a daily basis, live. And then we got the replay. So there are some people that are being affected by it. So yeah, it’s a cool thing. Yeah, for all entrepreneurs – anyone who wants to be the best they can be in life. That’s what it’s for.

Will:  Yeah. it’s an awesome place. Great material there! I give it my full hearted recommendation. And the cool thing about it is that you’re not just limiting it to your team, or you’re not just limiting it to your network marketing company. It’s come one, come all.

Anybody that has a dream. Anybody that has a vision. Anybody that wants to get out there and build freedom in their life. You’re helping them out no matter what they’re doing. And just huge kudos to you. In fact, I won’t tell you who but this morning, I had someone just pay a hugest compliment. He didn’t know that I was gonna be doing this call with you. He didn’t know that we’d be recording this and put it in a podcast. He just said, “You know what, I really watched how Paul Hutchings has been conducting himself in the Think And Grow Rich mindset call.”

This is a guy who’s not on your team; he’s not connected to you in anyway financially. He just said, “I’m so impressed by the way he leads and by the way he inspires and he’s really moved me to take action in my own business.” And I thought, “What a cool, cool thing!”

Paul: That is awesome. And I appreciate that. Thanks for sharing that with me.

Will:  Yeah. So he just gave you the highest praise. Again, not knowing that we’re gonna be talking in just a few minutes after I finished talking to him. And I wanna pass along the same recommendation. I’ve just been super impressed by your energy, your enthusiasm and you’re willing to make a difference in the world.

Will:  Let’s transition here for just a minute. One of the things that you just rolled out, you rolled out a 30-30-30 Plan. And, let me just back up and say something about myself. And I’ll let you explain what it is and what it’s all about. It’s a personal development plan, I won’t say that much. I will say this about me and my wife.

It was about 2001 or 2000 right in that range, when I first started a serious program of personal development. Personal development meaning – looking at my own abilities, my own strengths and finding a way to refine them, to hone them, to grow them and to make myself capable of influencing and impacting more people. And it’s still a program I’m persistent today.

I’ve spent probably on the average about an hour a day. Since the year 2000. There been times where I spent a little more than that and every once in a while I kinda get off the wagon for a week or two or something like that. But basically, I can track almost all of my success in life to my own personal development program. I want you to tell us about this 30-30-30 Program and what you think that it’s done for you.

Paul: Yeah, it’s funny. Because success leaves clues, right?

Will:  Yeah.

Paul: As you shared what you just shared, I’m looking at your face and what you’ve done and the people you’ve impacted and I’m just saying to myself, “We’ll no wonder?” Right, there it is. [Laughing]

Will: Right.

Paul:  So the 30-30-30 for 30 Plan is nothing new. I didn’t invent it. I maybe came up with a little marketing name [Laughing] 30-30-30 for 30. I was actually sitting in my desk before a call one day. And I was thinking about how I wanna get better. And I just wrote it. 30-30-30 for 30. Basically what it is – is 30 minutes of reading – 30 minutes of audio – 30 minutes of prayer, meditation, reflection, visualization of yourself as you intend to become.

There’s some different things that you can do in the last 30. We’re trying to figure out what to call it. I think the best word we’ve come up with is connecting or connection. Like, you’re connecting with higher power, you’re connecting with yourself, you’re just going inside for 30 minutes.

So the challenge is – 30-30-30 for 30 days straight. And the reason why I think this is important is because, I can trace – all the success that I’ve been blessed with to the books that I’ve read and the audios that I’ve listened to. And, I realized that I haven’t been as religious as I probably could be.

Sometimes, on the weekends, Sunday will come and I’m up at 6 in the morning for meetings and then church and then family and then the day is done. I haven’t done my 30-30-30. So I was like, “What if I do this straight for 30 days and just develop this new discipline?” So that’s it. 30-30-30 for 30.

Just to talk about this last 30 really quick. Napoleon Hill in Think And Grow Rich, part of the action step is you spend 30 minutes of your day visualizing yourself as you intend to become. Maxwell Maltz in Psycho-Cybernetics, 30 minutes a day to feed of mind visualizing your ideal self. And you read all these books and it’s like a common thing.

Obviously that’s a really important part of making it happen. So, 30-30-30 for 30 is just a challenge to do it for 30 days and develop the new discipline and the new habit. I’ve seen some great stuff happening just in my life since I’ve been serious about it. So that’s it. Anyone who’s listening, do it! Do it!

Will:  Do it! Well absolutely. I love it. So, we’re talking about reading a book, we’re talking about listening to something and then spending 30 minutes in quiet meditative time. You know, I read an interesting study a few years back and I can’t find the source now to save my life. But they did a survey of people who are making more than a million dollars a year at that time. And found something like, 80 or 90% of them were meditating   to between 30 minutes to an hour a day.

Paul:  You’re kidding me. Really? Wow!

Will:  No. Almost all of them. Now, I had someone ask me, “Will, is that like defense or offense? Meaning did that create it or that’s something we have to do in order to maintain their empire.” And I said, “Man, I don’t care. They’re doing it then I’m going to do it!” [Laughing]

Paul:  Yeah [Laughing] No kidding.


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Will:  I played with all sorts of different kinds of meditation. I teach all kinds of different meditation. In my coaching practice. I teach people active meditation where their visualizing and creating visualizations. And I’ve also topped the more passive type of motivation where you just get really, really quiet and still. And I think since late last year I’ve mostly been playing with what I would call Circular Buddhist Meditation.

Paul: [Laughing]

Will: I’m not a Buddhist. Although I have a deep respect for all world traditions. You’ll see me quoting and hear me quoting. Buddhist teachings, Christian teachings, Taoist teachings, Hindu teachings. What I find that success principles are universal.

Paul: Yeah.

Will: And some people have expressed them more clearly than others. Maybe the Buddha expresses it more clearly in one place. And then a Hindu teaching in another place. Then a Christian teaching in another place. I myself, I’m a Christian. And those who are tuned in to the show know that on the 7th day, well, really technically the first day of the week – Sunday. I go and dedicate that to my deep connection to God, and how that’s influenced my life.

But during the week we talk about just the basic principles. So, one of my greatest discoveries, I think ever – ever. I’ve meditated every day, almost without a break for 2 1/2 years. I’ve missed a day here and there. And most of that has been a visualization exercise.

It’s been creating my future, putting myself in the future, really vividly imagining it or putting myself into self hypnosis and tasking my mind to create things that I want. But in the last 6 months or so I really had been playing with just reconnecting to my center.

I’ll tell you what – there’s a power in getting still. There’s a power in getting quiet. And one of the things that I’m convinced that after doing this, is that just by becoming still, by becoming as quiet as I can become – that there’s something there. There’s a fire within us all. And when we get quiet enough, we can feel the spark and it starts to grow. And some the most incredible experiences that I’ve had in my life, in terms of connecting with my own inner greatness haven’t been by programming it.

It’s been by becoming still enough and quiet enough inside that I find what’s already there. And one of my most deeply help beliefs at this point, is that whoever you are, wherever you’re at – there is greatness inside of you. There is a fire that burns inside. You don’t even have to light it. All you have to do is tune in to it and find it.

And so 30 minutes of meditation however you do it. I’m telling you, this has been the most profound discipline of all the personal development disciplines that I have done. I think it’s an awesome plan. I encourage people to go out and take the challenge. To dig in and to really see what it is that you are capable of becoming.

Let me tell one quick story then I’d like to maybe ask you one or two more questions. We kinda need to wrap up here in a minute or two.

When I was a young man, about 20 years old. I made a decision at that point in my life that I was not good at leading people. And it was just a decision that’s based on circumstances.

Although, I can get into it. I’m really good at one-on-one. I’m good at one-on-two. But I’m not really good at leading and motivating and inspiring many people. And I realized, not that long ago – just a couple of years ago, I said, “That was just a limiting decision that I made.”

It was just a decision that I made in a moment of stress because at 20, I wasn’t capable of leading people. But leadership is learned. Who you are today is not who you will be tomorrow. Who you will be tomorrow maybe greater or less than who you are today depending on the ideas that you put in your mind, the people that you surround yourself with and the development that you put in to your own life.

So I have a deep and impassioned plea, become more than you are. Here’s my vision. I’m a father now and I’ve been a father for a long time. But all of a sudden in dawned on me just in the last 12 months. It dawned on me that I am a leader.

I am leader in my home. And in order to become the leader that I want to be I’ve got to grow my capacity to influence my children. And in growing my capacity to influence my children and to inspire them. To become the kind of human beings that I know that they already are deep inside. That’s also developing the same ability inside of me to unleash the greatness in people around me.



Will: So Paul, as a way of a parting word, do you have anything else to say about leadership, business, and freedom. Do you have something that you want us to do?

Paul:  I have a question for you if that’s okay?

Will: Yeah, sure.

Paul: Because I’m fascinated by this meditation stuff. I’m like a total novice at it. I’m looking for ideas. When you said that you get quiet and get centered, does that mean that you shut off your thoughts, like you’re not thinking anything, no music – what exactly does that mean? If you can share.

Will: Yeah. Well, there are a couple of different things that you can do. And one of the easiest things to do is simply to focus in on the breath.

Again, this is what I call Circular Buddhist Teachings. Meaning – no mysticism, no deep Buddhist doctrine just practical advice on how to meditate. I think that there’s two levels in the meditation.

One is, to just be aware of what it is that you’re thinking. That’s step number one. Because if you go and try to shut off your mind later today and you’ve never done that before, you’re going to get frustrated. Part of the process is sitting down.

Now, I have a sitting posture that I sometimes use but sometimes I just lay down in the ground or sometimes I sit in nice recliner chair like the one that’s right behind me.

Paul: That’s dangerous for me. [Laughing]

Will: I know. The motivated boy chair, that’s what I call it. [Laughing] Right there. So I lay down on a chair or I’m sitting in my Zazen posture. Which is just a sitting posture. And I just start to focus in on my breath. Well, the very first thing that happens is that you’re mind is still going. It’s still going like, “Hey, you gotta do this, you gotta do that, you gotta do this, and don’t forget about that?”

And the mind is like going like a million miles an hour. So the very first thing I do is that I just breathe and to whatever thought that I’ve got. So that means, I just breathe in and I breath out, I breath in and I breath out. I let my thought be my thoughts.

But what I’m trying to do and I usually do quite successfully is to kinda step back from the thought a little bit. Create a little bit of space. Instead of being inside of the thought, instead of letting the thought be controlling your mind you step back and you recognize that you are more than your thoughts.

The first thing to do, the first step, is to just gather some distance from your thoughts and to really allow yourself to create a separation and space so that you move from being inside the thought to watching a though.

The easiest and fastest way that I know to do this is to just let whatever thought is there to be there and breathe in to it. You breathe in deep. Deep down in the belly so that you can get a snoopy belly and you kinda let it go. Snoopy belly and then you let it go.

Just breath in deep into your lungs, focus in your breath. I usually recommend at my students focusing on one sensation. So for example, you might focus in the belly expanding, you might focus in on the lungs expanding, and you might focus in on the feeling of the breath in the nostrils or in the mouth, doesn’t really matter as long as you have one point of focus. Then an interesting thing happens, the longer that you meditate, the more and more distance you begin to create from the thoughts.

And eventually, often, not always but often my mind does go completely quiet. It took me about 3 month to have it happen for the first time. Incredible things happen when you can find that deep, deep mind silence. There’s a sense of connecting with the best parts of yourself. And a sense of stillness comes in your body and in your mind it’s just absolutely incredible.

And sometimes I can hold that just for a fraction of a second and sometimes, I’d be able to hold it for 20, 30, 40 minutes. But the goal is not necessarily to shut off your mind, the goal is just to get quite to get still.

I think a good metaphor, when I went down to Africa. We went to go watch the penguins and while we were watching the penguins, it was incredible watching them swim. They were super active, incredibly fast swimmers. And even on ground, they were busy there. They were wobbling, building their nest. But then there was a time to rest. And these penguins will become so still that they look like penguin statues. You literally couldn’t even see them breathing. They would either stand or lie down and they would just get as still as they possibly could.

And I tell you what, the first time you try to do that you’ll get a little anxiety. Try to keep your body totally still. You’ll get a little itch in your nose or something like that. Try to keep your body totally still for 20 minutes, focusing on your breath. First time you do it, you’ll go through this period of having anxiety thoughts and then you’ll kinda settle down, get quite and get settled in. But did that answer your question?

Paul: Yeah it did. Thank you I appreciate that. I’m excited to try that.

Will: A great book to read, I think if you haven’t read it, Jon Kabat-Zinn writes a book called   “Mindfulness for Beginners” . And I’ll shoot it over to you in a Facebook message. KABAT-ZINN.He wrote a book Mindfulness for Beginners and he talks about a lot of the theory and at the end of the book, he dedicated like a chapter or two chapters to the “how to do“.

And the reality is it’s super easy. To quote Michael Watson one of my two mentors, he said, “Meditation is easy, you basically take whatever you’re doing and you do less of it.”

If you’re moving around, you move less. If you’re thinking real hard and straining the thing, you think less. And he goes, that’s basically the formula for meditation. And it will make a big difference guys. I’m telling you.

Do that as a discipline for 30 days it’ll change your life. You’ll start to notice big, big changes in all sorts of thing. We need to wind up here pretty quick.

Paul: One final thought?

Will:  Yeah go for it. Anything.

Paul:  One final thought. One of the things that I love to do when I end every video or audio or whatever. I just say, whatever you do my friend never give up on your dreams.

I believe, whoever you are, wherever you’re at, like Will was sharing. If you’re listening to the sound of our voices on this podcast. We believe that your dreams are possible. And I would just encourage you, to just go for it!

Life is too short! I mean, Michael – I don’t remember the quote exactly but he said, “They should tell us when where born, that we are dying.” Then we might truly live. Something like that. And I believe that. We just gotta go for it! And do what makes us happy and do what inspires us. And that would be my closing thought and challenge. And Will, thank you so much for having me. It’s really been an honor. I really appreciate it.

Will:  It’s been an honor. And Paul. Absolutely love it. If people want to get a hold of you the best way to do is just to dial in to that conference call or is there a website that they can go to?

Paul: Yeah we have a website. that’s

Will:  Perfect! And with that we’ll wind up. Paul have an awesome day and thank you for being on the show.


To get  a hold of Paul Hutchings directly click HERE.


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William Wood and Amir Mahmoud have helped thousands of people achieve massive breakthroughs in their lives. Both share the same mission and a similar vision, wisdom and expertise. You can connect with Will & Amir directly through their Facebook Fan Page.


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