The Business and Marketing Show

The Business and Marketing Show

Intention Threshold [podcast]

March 09, 2015
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Think about the great movies... And then there’s a magical moment in the hero story where it says the hero crosses the threshold...Am I going to go out into the great beyond? - Tune in to today's podcast.


Time Stamps For "Intention Threshold"


0:44—Will is a total Sci-Fi nerd

2:09—The scholar that studied all the hero stories

4:34—Hagrid Breaks down the door

6:12—It's about setting a direction

7:46—We can all have really different Intentions

8:25—What's your motivation for being here?



Exploring The Idea Of Stepping Out Into The Unknown:
The idea of crossing the threshold and finding the concrete smart goal (PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT…)

If you want to read the whole transcript from today’s podcast (paraphrased for readability), click the button below:



Will:Think about the great movie. And some of the great movies[…]I think about the great movies like the Original Star Wars series. You’ve got a young farm kid and he’s getting ready to venture out in space but there’s this moment before he ventures out in space when he was just a farm kid who’s kind of sick of being at the farm.[…]



This Amazing Guy


Will:How do you go from being “I’m a farm kid on a desert planet to being the Jedi master?â€


Will:There’s this moment when we have to reach inside and say “This is what I want.[…]This is the vision. This is where I’m going.â€[…]And at some point, that vision before it gets really concrete, it’s kind of fuzzy.[…]


Walt Disney


Will:[…]they used to say about Walt Disney[…]

would walk in to the office periodically and go “I see something bright and shiny.†“But what is it?†“I don’t know. But it’s amazing, you know.â€[…]


Will:[…]There’s this moment where you say “There’s something burning inside of me that needs to get out. There’s some direction that I want to had.†and like the hero[…]


The scholar that studied the heroes stories


Will:Joseph Campbell was this scholar that studied the heroes’ stories and other things – myths throughout all of written history that we have across cultures.


Will:[…]he found that there are patterns inside of the heroes stories.[…]he wrote this book called “The Heroes with a Thousand Faces†which is probably the most, if not the first book of its kind and he really described the different phases that hero goes through.[…]


Will:Here’s the hero goes from being ordinary. “I’m Luke Skywalker, a farm kid on a desert planet to be Jedi Master; feared by all.â€


Will:[…]then there’s magic moment in the hero story where it says the hero crosses the threshold. And the threshold is the edge of the village. So he talks about how the heroes start in the village[…]


Harry Potter Story


Will:[…]Dursleys would have been his little village, the model village where he was a second class citizen living under the suburbs, no parents, orphan kid, being beat up by his cousin but that was the village but then there’s this moment where the hero gets to the edge of the village, gets to the edge of the known and has to decide “Am I going to go out into the unknown? Am I going to go out into the great beyond?â€[…]


Will:Oftentimes, the hero ends up being on a class but in that moment of crossing the threshold, it’s more of a decision of “I’m going to leave behind where I’ve come from and going to step out into the unknown or what just Campbell called the Waste Land.â€[…]


Will:[…]in the Harry Potter’s story there’s that great moment where the Dursleys are running from Harry’s call to be a hero which are this invitations to come to Hogwarts; this magical school.[…]This school where he can fully unleashed his magical power within.[…]


Will:And Hagrid breaks down the door and he walks in and he says “Harry, you’re a wizard.â€


Will:[…]at that moment he knows that he’s different somehow. He knows that there is something different inside of him than all the people that around him and but he still had a decision to make. He had this decision “Do I step in to this new world or do I stay back in the village?†Until I just kind of blush my calling into one side and say “I’m just going to live with the status quo.â€[…]


The idea of crossing the threshold


Will:This idea of crossing the threshold, this idea of stepping out into the unknown, and this idea of going out beyond the boundaries of where you’re comfortable is the first idea that I want to explore today[…]


Will:This exercise is going to be the one way we write down an intention. And let me explain what that is. I look at the intention as being this same kind of moment where you come up to the edge of the village and you decide to step over the threshold out in the unknown. An intention is different than a goal.



Will:[…]an intention is a statement of direction. I’m heading, I don’t know which direction is this but north we’ll say. John would probably know.


Client:North East.


Will:Okay so I’m heading North East - boldly. So it’s about setting a direction.[…]


Will:Tim Holden, one of our mutual mentors, he talks about studying the great healers that he’s come across. He had an interest how do people heal. And one of the healers that he came across was a Shannon, they flew up from Peru and the Shannon was doing a healing ceremony with the guy and he had a spectacular effect and they were really trying to figure out what the Shannon did to produce the healing effect.[…]


Will:Tim asked the Shannon after he’s done he says “When did the healing occur? And the Shannon like didn’t even understand the question like “What did you do to make the healing happen?†and the Shannon said “When I accept the intention for the healing to happen, the healing begin.â€[…]


Will:And that’s what setting intention is. It’s not the concrete smart goal. This is specific like what I’m going to do, this is how I’m going to measure it, is it achievable, is it realistic and here’s my time frame. The intention is saying “It’s time to step out into the great beyond.“


Will:[…]we’re all here. We’ve all gathered for different reasons; we’re all at different businesses. I don’t think that any of us is in the same business. Except for me and Amir. We’re business partners[…]



Will:[…]But you’re going to be here for the next two days and we’re going to have the ability to do something really cool and really build an asset like I talked about before.[…]


Will:[…]with that in mind, what I’d like everyone to do is take a couple of minutes. I’m going to give you 2-5 minutes to really think through what is your intention for being here over these four days. And it doesn’t have to be real now down in specific. We’ll going to get there. This is going to be what’s the bright and shiny future that you’re heading for and what is it that you’re really hoping to get out of these 4 days. What was your motivation for being here? And then we’re going to give you a chance to share that. Take a couple of minutes. Put together your intentions. You can write it in your laptop or you can write it in a piece of paper, doesn’t really matter.


Do you want to download the entire transcript?  Click the red button below:


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William Wood and Amir Mahmoud has helped hundreds if not, thousands of people achieve massive breakthroughs in their lives. Both share the same mission, vision, wisdom and expertise. You can connect with Will & Amir directly through their Facebook Fan Page.


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