The Business and Marketing Show

The Business and Marketing Show

Generate Leads Live [podcast]

March 05, 2015
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Tips on hosting and generating leads from from live events and knowing when and how to convert your audience.

Time Stamps For "Generate Leads Live"


2:49—What's the setting and the context of the event?

6:08—He has very little self-talk

8:10—You can't pitch!

10:07—His goal of presenting is to serve 100% of the audience

12:16—Provide VALUE

14:53—Getting them on your list

16:42—I only got 10 seats

17:31—Build up the value


Converting Your Audience from a Live Event, Either You're Hosting, Attending or just being Invited:
 A Solid discussion about Lead Generation from a Live Event, knowing when to Convert and what are the Possibilities that might come out off the event  (PARTIAL TRANSCRIPT…)

If you want to read the whole transcript from today’s podcast (paraphrased for readability), click the button below:



Will: You want to entice people to come in and be a client. If we drop the wheel and we go traffic, value, and conversions – just as a way to think through this. You’re traffic is whoever shows up to the live event. We have a live event and then you’re going to give some value-based talk so you’re teaching on…


Lead by giving a lot of really strong value


Will:[…]Give me an example.


Client: How to reduce or eliminate a fear in one hour or less.


Will: Okay, so you’re doing like a… reduce or eliminate a fear in one hour or less. So, this is the topic and he’s going to go in and he’s going to like, lead by giving a lot of really strong value. So then the question is, is how do I convert them and what do I convert them to and what’s the best way to convert that person into something? Well, what are the possibilities, what might come out of the event?


Client: Well, I could have people try to list, I could take credit cards at the back, I could have applied some small product, and I could direct them to webinar. I mean, they don’t have to get into all around the stuff to create people a funnel but you know, is there gonna be a signage that she would in the back or you know, that I’m going to write and send them an email or talk to them straight in aweber or I'm gonna talk to them like what’s going to get the highest number of conversions at the event, the customer’s capture rate, one might capture 20 emails in one or capture 5 or capture 50. So, what’s the best practice there?


Will: And again, I’m gonna go back to being a little fuzzy and then I’m gonna try to give you some harder advice. Is that alright?


Client: Yeah.


Will:[…]Like, what is your relationship to the host of the event? Are you the host of the event? What’s the setting and the context in the event? And so, part of this is being flexible enough as you come in to kind of analyze the situation and see.[…]


Will:[…]For example[…]I had a contact. I said, “Hey, I’m gonna be teaching on this topic which is How to Speak Hypnotically...â€Â And I went to this guy who had a big list,[…]and he said “Sureâ€. He has[…]50, 000 people on his list.[…]. I said, “Hey, I’d love to be able to make an offer at the end."[…] And he said[…]  “Well, if you sell something I want a cut. If you just guys want me to put a capture page for you just give me a link to the capture page and I’ll integrate it with our system.†[…]And I said, “Okay, I’ll just capture leads†and then depending on the situation it might have been better deal to have.[…]


It's all about the Context


Will:In this context, it was webinar and this was on speaking hypnotically was the value and then the call-to-action was to go to a list, to get a bonus offer that was special for the scripts. I’ve build the capture page specifically and aimed at that group with his client in mind with end up like a thousand people on the webinar and I got like 340 leads or something like that in an hour. So we got about 30% of the opted list. That’s pretty cool. Now that’s one way to do it.


Will:Now, if the context change… and Amir you wanna say something?


Amir: No


Will:[…]depending on the context again this is why the marketing[…]This is the most important thing that you have to think through to start strategizing with.[…] Is it okay if you make another miss step out again?


Client: Yes.


Will: Yeah, as long as you get the feedback.


How do I do it better?


Will:How do I do it better? Maybe this context is different than another context. Let me give you another couple of examples and then Amir will give you a couple of examples[…]


Client:Self-talk regarding trying new things and doing things over and over again.


Will:I don’t talk to myself. I don’t. Not usually. I have very little self-talk going out in my head at any given point. I have images. So, how do I keep from making catastrophic images on my head? Is that what you’re asking? Because that is what I do. [laughing]


Client:We talk to ourselves a lot.


Will:I do have some strategies[…], value and conversions. So this specific example is, what’s your next talk?


Client:So, I’m doing a talk on Business essentially.


Will:And who’s hosting it?


Client:So, it is for entrepreneurs list.


Will:Okay so we have an Entrepreneurs list[…]


Client:And this is my first time talking them so I have to be very careful


Be Above Board


Will:[…]you wanna talk to them. I mean the easiest way to not get in trouble is to talk to them.[…]Be above board. The only thing that they gonna allow you to do is pass on a business card.[…]


Will:[…]if that’s your only tactic here’s the thing I’m gonna say, Pass it out beforehand and splatter them all over the place. Don’t make people come and get one and because then it’s like the three people who really want them and feel like the lone dogs walking up and why doesn't everyone wants this.[…]


Will:[…]I was invited to a group of 250 hospital CFO's to speak on the value of hypnosis and stress reduction. And so I got invited in but they said specifically you can’t pitch. What could I do then? I could make sure that they have my contact information and website and they we’re perfectly fine with that. So before the talk happened, I made sure went out to every seat and I put out a card and a brochure and I got clients. I got clients and referrals out of that talk.[…]


Will:[…]So, you have an entrepreneurs list, your value talk is on…[…]


Client:How to start a business


Will:How to start a business?


Will:So how to start a business and what are you hoping for in terms of conversion strategy?


Client:Well, if we begin with end in line, get them on to a 8-10 week webinar, so this will be the overview, I have two hours and maybe this is what I need to do and then I wanna spend one week to get to each content and I wanna get them into the webinar.[…]


Will:[…]here’s one way that I can think through it and now you can go to your host and make sure it’s in their list, you gotta make sure that it’s all cool. What I wanna do in general is I wanna take somebody out of their list and unto my list so now I can play by my rules.[…]


Will:[…]This would be our second loop, the value pieces[…]I’m gonna create this talk on how to start a business and then I’m going through the feedback that I’m getting from the audience there probably you need to plan it beforehand. I’m gonna build a website, a capture page, it’s really easy link with a bonus for the people that interested and so I’m gonna go and present and my goal in presenting is to serve 100% of the audience.[…]


Client:This is one thing that I usually do, one thing that I‘ve been doing is sending a presentation to people that’s on my list.[…]


Will:Yeah. Exactly. That’s a great way to do it.[…]


Will:[…]You gonna get your opt-ins[…]this is your first filter and you gonna move to your second filter. And now you got an email list and you’re gonna send them more value and in that value you’re gonna ask them to do a purchase decision here or a second decision.[…]


Will:Now you got the traffic for paid webinar people and you gonna provide them value then you gonna offer them private coaching. And then you’re going to privately coach them, you gonna give them value and you’re going to sell them more private coaching or ask for referrals.[…]


Will:I prefer to invite people and let people self-select. That’s my first filter and then that’s my bias. Because I want to control the direction of the energy in the transaction. I want people coming towards me. I don’t want to be chasing people.[…]


Will:[…]In addition to the value and a lead magnet, you’re gonna like and this is for Dan, you wanna add in social hypnosis triggers. Reciprocity, specifically in this context less reciprocity, scarcity and then urgency. And it doesn’t have to be like over the top[…]Just wanna create that through the process and that’s basically anytime you make an offer. You wanna build up the value and then you wanna talk on at least 3 things.[…]


Do you want to download the entire transcript?  Click the red button below:


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William Wood and Amir Mahmoud has helped hundreds if not, thousands of people achieve massive breakthroughs in their lives. Both share the same mission, vision, wisdom and expertise. You can connect with Will & Amir directly through their Facebook Fan Page.

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