The Blunt Report

The Blunt Report

Latest Episodes

Rob from McDojo Life
June 12, 2019

Rob is the founder of McDojo Life, broadcaster and a martial arts veteran with over 22 years experience across multiple disciplines. "Keeping Martial Arts Legit" Today, Konner and Rob chat the motivations behind McDojos, ranging from the thought process .

Dan Falk
May 19, 2019

Dan Falk is the author of The Science of Shakespeare which delves into the history of science's relationship with Shakespeare's work. He is also a broadcaster and science journalist whose writing credits include Scientific American, New Scientist, Smiths.

Hunter Farris
April 22, 2019

Hunter Farris is a musician who analyzes the music psychology behind why we like the songs we like, how sounds can produce emotions, as well as the actual science of how this happens. His podcast Song Appeal works to uncover some of the secrets behind fa.

Saul Goode & Kelly Brassbridge
April 22, 2019

Saul Goode is an artist and rapper from the international hip hop duo, Part Time Cooks, and Kelly Brassbridge is host of Korea’s best podcast, Nothing's Really Real, about the world of art, music, comedy, and anything else (check them out on social media.

Colin Marshall
April 22, 2019

Colin Marshall is a Seoul-based essayist, Free-lance Korean correspondent for the western world, broadcaster, and public speaker, working on cities, language, and culture. He has written for a number of publications such as the guardian, open culture and.

Alan Duffy
April 22, 2019

Alan Duffy is an Astronomer investigating Dark Matter, Lead Scientist of RiAus (Royal Institution of Australia) and a Science Communicator. "There's a worldview changing nature to Astronomy that I think is compelling." On today's episode, Alan discusses .

Joe McPherson
April 22, 2019

Joe McPherson is a Food Writer and Korean Cuisine Consultant who works out of Seoul, South Korea, and operates Korea’s longest running food blog, ZenKimChi. He has consulted for the likes of Anthony Bourdain: Parts Unknown and Bizarre foods with Andrew Z.

Parkers & Daly
April 22, 2019

Parkers and Daly are hosts of their own Comedy Podcast, "The Campfire with Parkers and Daly". Check them out at or on Social Media. On today's episode, Konner joins Parkers and Daly around their proverbial c.

April 22, 2019

Marty/Queenie is a drag performer and stand-up comedian who performs out of the Rabbit Hole in Seoul, South Korea. “For me, drag is like a superhero costume. I feel that I can get away with so much more and be more filthy, disgusting and offensive.”  In .

Footnotes: Gambling
April 20, 2019

Konner sits down to discuss gambling industry related statistics, causes and ramifications.