The Block Party - Allerton Ave

The Block Party - Allerton Ave

Overwatch, Forza Horizon 3 and TGS - The Block Party 9/14

September 14, 2016

​Last weekend Blizzard offered up a free weekend of Overwatch, which meant that we could finally convince Tristan to spend some time with the game. Join us as he discusses his time with the game and we break down whether or not we can see ourselves going back to the game with so many other big shooters coming out over the next few months.

Speaking of big shooters, Chad says that he has some news about next weeks live stream of the Rise of Iron release that he can't wait to tell you guys about...if he can remember what it is. Either way, don't forget to subscribe to our Twitch channel so you never miss a stream!

Finally, TGS doesn't kick off until this weekend but that doesn't mean we don't have a couple of stories from the show. The first involves everyone's favorite oft-delayed game, The Last Guardian. Are we really surprised this one has slipped another month? The other news involves Bloodstained and an old school guilty pleasure gaming love, Earth Defense Force.