The Block Party - Allerton Ave

The Block Party - Allerton Ave

Nioh Demo Review, Titanfall 2 Alpha Reactions, Deus Ex Impressions The Block Party 8/31

August 30, 2016

Tristan returned from Jame Bond summer camp with one goal, play as much of the Titanfall 2 Alpha as humanly possible. Good news, he accomplished his goal and he can't wait to give you his impressions. Was he as disappointed with the game as the rest of the crew?

Speaking of disappointed, if you only tuned into the first 30 minutes of Chad's Twitch stream of Nioh last week, then I'm guessing you left thinking that game was trash. Guess, what, you were wrong. The more time he spent with the game, the better it became. When he tossed Amy into the mix for some multiplayer, shit got real good. Considering Amy is the Dark/Demon/Bloodborne expert, we all sit back and let her tell us why she is all in on this team Ninja Game.

What else do we cover...we have a little talk about Deus Ex, some additional Worms WMD impressions, a little news about PS VR, Final Fantasy Kingslglaive and a full review of Curd Fest.