The Block Party - Allerton Ave

The Block Party - Allerton Ave

Titanfall 2 Impressions, Worms WMD Thoughts, Madden 17 - The Block Party 8/24

August 25, 2016

​Two years ago we all got together and handed Titanfall our 2014 Game of the Year award. This past weekend we, along with the rest of the world, got to take part in a massive "Alpha" test. Join us as we break down everything we loved, hated and didn't get from this mess of an experience. Oh and don't forget to join us live on Twitch this weekend as we give the game a second go round.

We don't know about you guys, but we freaking love Worms around these parts. If you have never experienced that majesty that surrounds a perfectly tossed banana bomb, then you really haven't experienced everything video games have to offer. Don't worry, you are not alone as Amy hasn't either, so we do our best to explain why we are so excited for the latest game in the franchise, that has kind of sucked for the past ten years, Worms WMD.

On the news front we have stories bout the soon to be unveiled PS Slim, Lara Croft fighting zombies and a demo that Chad is beyond excited for.