The Block Party - Allerton Ave

The Block Party - Allerton Ave

Gamescom News, No Man's Sky, Final Fantasy XV Delay - The Block Party 8/17/16

August 16, 2016

Last week you got to hear Jason, Chad and Amy gush over their first hour of No Man's Sky so it's only fair that Tristan gets time to break down his initial thoughts of the game this week. Don't worry, the rest of the team is back let you know if the game will have staying power after a first week of exploring.

Gamescom is taking place this week which means we have all sorts of news to go through, the biggest story of course is the delay of Final Fantasy XV. After planning the last week of September around the games release you can only imagine how Amy feels about this delay. Chad, well he just wants to make sure they get things right.
Speaking of getting things right, Tristan had his eyes glued to the screen when the Titanfall 2 videos hit this week and being the pro that he is, he had a lot to say about the changes to the game. He's going to get some hands on time with the beta next and will report back when he get's back from the Alps in a couple of weeks.