The Block Party - Allerton Ave

The Block Party - Allerton Ave

No Man's Sky Review, Crystal Pepsi Review, The Block Party 8/11/16

August 10, 2016

If you have been following us this week then you know we are all in on No Man's Sky. We have streamed non-stop since Monday night, posted a great side-by-side comparison video where Chad and Amy compare their first hour of the game and have been talking about the game in our sleep. So naturally we decided to dedicate the first part of this week's show talking about our adventures in this overwhelming and cool as hell game.

If you think that No Man's Sky looks amazing and are thinking about plunking down the cash for a PS4 to play this may want to wait. This week we received news that Sony is going to announce the much rumored PS4 Neo the first week of September. Obviously we all have a few opinions on whether or not this is necessary or going to be stronger than the Xbox Scorpio.