Big Fat Marketing

Big Fat Marketing

BFM 015: How to use twitter for marketing giving you an endless supply of fresh new leads

October 20, 2014

In this episode of Big Fat Marketing, we interview Corinna Essa.
Corinna shares with you simple yet effective ways on how to use twitter for marketing.
Corinna also shares with you little known tools which will help you tap into high volume of hungry buyers that will get you business to your door.

But first, how does someone use twitter for marketing purposes?

To fully take advantage of this, you must do something that is not so natural to typical business men and marketers, that is... do not sell.

If you get this right you will have no problems making money with twitter and other kinds of social media.

So in order to know how to use twitter for marketing purposes you must throw out everything you know about sales and try something that is totally new and that is never sell on social media.

Why is this such a big problem?

Well let me explain. When I am at a social party and I am gathered with my friends and we are having a chat about something we did in the past.

Then all of a sudden I bring up a topic which is about my business. Slowly but surely I see my friends losing interest and then eventually I ruin the mood and the gathering soon ends up dispersed.

Well this is the same with social media and twitter.

Selling should never be done on social media and it should always be kept social.

As weird as it sounds, this is the best way on how to use twitter for marketing.

Then how are people ever going to know about your products or services? well not by shoving it down their throat that's for sure.
In this podcast Corinna covers everything you need to know about how you can use twitter for marketing your products and services.
Corinna Also reveals:
- This simple strategy that will help you sell without selling

- How to pin point your target market which will double your sales

- The little known tool that makes managing your twitter account a breeze and free up your time

- A simple yet effective way to outsource your social media which allows you to focus on your most important tasks

- Single most common mistakes people make when marketing on twitter
Who is Corinna Essa and why is she qualified to teach you twitter for marketing?

Corinna Essa is known internationally as the go-to person when it comes to social media marketing.

She was raised in Greece and at the age of 17, left to London to study television production only to have her dreams shattered as she discovered the very unstable nature of the industry and the myth of careers...

Made redundant FIVE times by the time she reached her mid-twenties... Corinna decided enough was enough and began her journey online.

Quickly discovering a few powerful strategies that would allow her to leverage the power of social media and the Internet.

Corinna started using Twitter to market products. Within 3 weeks, she had replaced her full-time income working only 2 hours a day, thanks to using twitter for marketing.

Corinna now makes $10,000 a month thanks to social media and owns a marketing company that is currently valued at 1.7 million dollars.

She shares her ground breaking strategies to people around the world.

Corinna  has helped thousands of individuals and businesses from Australia, the UK, New Zealand, UAE, Switzerland and Cyprus get consistent returns from their social media marketing efforts.
If you would like to know more about Corinna or try her services you can take advantage of getting your own social media managed 7 days free.
Go to to take advantage of this special.


Ray Kanoon