The Bible and Coffee

The Bible and Coffee

Belinda Unplugged- Fear

September 26, 2021

As you listen to Belinda Unplugged- Fear you find the very familiar story of Peter and his encounter of Jesus walking on the water during the storm.   Belinda breaksdown the story to address issues of the story and how Peter faced his fear. 

All the disciples were in the boat but only Peter faced his fears to step out in faith.  As he kept his eyes on Christ walking on water, virtually impossible to do, Peter walked faithfully towards Christ, without fear.  

The Scriptures say that when Peter sees the wind he starts to sink.  We have all done that have we not?   Following Christ and keeping our focus on him and not on the world.  However, when our boat becomes battered by the choas of the world we start to sink.  

Fear sets in and we forget where our focus is supposed to be.  On the only one that can truly save us when we lose faith.

Belinda get's real as she talks to us about the truth about fear.  The obstacles are not to defeat us but to grow us.   How do we step out of our fear mode and become bold for Christ. 


You can read the Bible selection here !

Matthew 14:22

Daniel 9

The Sea of Galilee 

Removing cultural blinders helps us to see everything that the scriptures speak to us.

You can catch our first Introduction podcast here #142  Removing Cultural Blinders- Intro

You can also catch some of our latest Podcasts here:

Dysfunctional Families of the Bible

 Stepping out of the Ordinary

  The Parables 

We always welcome you to our table as we keep the coffee hot and the conversation flowing.