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THE ATTITUDE SHIFT Friends Who Censor Friends Attitude - Jun 13,2013
June 12, 2013

Do you have friends who censor what you say? Do they shame you into following their thinking and beliefs? Why? So much for freedom of speech if everything we say and do is examined for politeness and what is considered correct in someones eyes. On the hu

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT I Don't Give A Damn Attitude - Jun 06,2013
June 05, 2013

Weve all run across the I Dont Give a Damn attitude. Some have more flowery ways of telling you what they feel but I dont give a damn pretty much sums it up. You know where someone is coming from when they say this to you… or do you? Turning corne

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT Bad Blood Between Family Attitude - May 30,2013
May 29, 2013

When family members or close friends create bad blood between them is the attitude we will be running over this week. We will then restart the heart and find a way to shift past the bad blood attitude. Riding along with us for this episode is Marriage an

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT The Give Me, Get Me Attitude! - May 23,2013
May 22, 2013

Family finances shift downward but the give me, get me attitude is still strong! Children and others still expect to live in the lap of luxury even when the lap is a whole lot smaller. From money to time, a decrease in income changes many things in a hou

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT Users and Abusers Attitude - May 16,2013
May 15, 2013

Have you been used, abused or the target of a loser who only knows one way of dealing with people and that is to negatively affect their lives? To take without notice, thanks or caring. Never giving, never regretful, never wrong in their minds. Riding wi

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT It's Not My Fault - May 09,2013
May 08, 2013

People tend to fault everyone but themselves including God for the circumstances they find themselves in. Its not my fault attitude can be found everywhere from court cases to brief cases. Finding fault in ones self is the last place people like to look.

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT Grass is Greener On The Other Side - May 02,2013
May 01, 2013

Do you know those people who are always looking over the fence and thinking that the grass is greener on the other side? If they could just over that fence their life would be perfect - you know those folks, you may even be one. Were taking a closer look

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT Chew on This | Attitudes Around Food - Apr 25,2013
April 24, 2013

Do you bite off more than you can chew? Is your attitude toward food affecting you and others around you? There are just so many attitudes people have around food and really, who cares what someone puts in their body? Whats with our attitude around food

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT Obsessed Attitude - Apr 18,2013
April 17, 2013

Are you obsessed about someone or something or do you know people who are? How does this all consuming attitude come about? Why do people get obsessed and wont let go? From dramatic obsessions like jealousy with a love connection to a seemingly wacky obe

THE ATTITUDE SHIFT I Am So Offended - Apr 11,2013
April 10, 2013

I am so offended. You have heard that said to you or you have said that to someone else or about someone else most likely. Why do we get offended? From screaming babies and loud cell phone conversations, to sagging pants, to breastfeeding in public and b