THE ATTITUDE SHIFT Attitudes About Drugs - Sep 26,2013

September 25, 2013

Come see our new web show on You Tube thanks to Google Hangout - Find us on Google + and add us to your circles. Many thanks to Blog Talk Radio and their team for suporting our show through the past 4 years. Attitudes toward drugs run the gamet. Supposedly there is a war on drugs but when a drug abuser cries out for help it is show me the money that is yelled back at them. We will take a close look at attitudes surrounding the drug culture and what we can do to shift away from the ones that do little good for the nation's battle against drugs and the damage they do to our children. Brought to you by the ever shifting attitudes of hosts Donna M. Butler and Siobhan Shaw. Director/ Producer: Abbie DeVera Check out the new gear your can get at