The Athletic Edge

The Athletic Edge

Looking at the Squat

April 29, 2014

Developing the squat comes in many areas from your atmosphere, plan, to necessary mechanics of the squat. We divide the podcast into three major area's plan , training partners, and using the box squat the right way.

Your plan needs to have correct goals related to your 1 rep max and what your rep scheme is. Athletes can't become succesful without first having a plan related to a goal. A correct plan means gains will be made. Gains will be harder to gain if your 1 rep max and rep scheme differ.When they differ your body will not get the neccessary stimulate to grow. You will either under train or overtrain so making sure you stay within your strength curve will help in the progression of strength.

We will discuss the correct way in plugging in the box squat and doing it with correct mechanics.Doing the box squat the right way will greatly enhance starting strength and gaining more strength in the Hamstrings, and hip flexors.There will be a discussion as it relates to gear and importance of gear and the box squat.

The last major topic is how training and coaching relates from being average to having a big squat.We go over many qualities needed from the training partners when it comes with a big squat.

Feel free to leave any comments and enjoy 

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Music : Longed for Fusion 

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