The Art of Gardening

The Art of Gardening

Latest Episodes

Bird of the Month: Downy Woodpecker & Hairy Woodpecker
January 01, 2013

( Woodpeckers are familiar backyard visitors and these two in particular are so similar we thought we'd help you distinguish which ones you may have at your feeding stations.

Bird of the Month: Red-breasted Nuthatch
December 03, 2012

( Look out for this irruptive species!  The Red-breasted Nuthatch moves around the state in search of food.  The Red-breasted Nuthatch behaves like the White-bre

Bird of the Month: Red Tailed Hawk
September 30, 2012

( should have no problem spotting our bird of the month since it is the most common hawk in North America. The Red-tailed Hawk is a bird of open country. Look for it along f

Bird of the Month: Horned Lark
August 31, 2012

This is the perfect time to try and find the Horned Lark!  Use the long weekend to get out in the country where the open, barren ground has short grasses.  COOL FACT: The use of mowed areas around airstrips has allowed the Horned Lark to colonize region

Bird of the Month: Eastern Kingbird
July 31, 2012

( Eastern Kingbird is a common and widespread species. Despite its name, its range extends from the Atlantic to the Pacific coast.   A summer Ohio resident see

Bird of the Month: Great Crested Flycatcher
July 02, 2012

( July's featured bird has a gray head and back with a prominent crest on his head. The gray throat and bright yellow belly extends down to a reddish-brown tail. Eggs will

Bird of the Month: House Wren
May 31, 2012

( A plain brown bird with an effervescent voice, the House Wren is a common backyard bird over nearly the entire Western Hemisphere.  Listen for its rush-and-jumb

May’s Favorite Bird: The Hummingbird!
April 30, 2012

( Hummingbirds are the only birds that consistently hover in flight. The unique anatomy of the bones and muscles of the wing and its attachment at the shoulder joint allow hummingbirds

Win a Fire Pit Kit! Winner announced!
April 18, 2012

Everything you never knew about Gardening with Art Packer.

Bird of the Month: Indigo Bunting
March 30, 2012

( nicknamed "blue canaries," these brilliantly colored yet common and widespread birds whistle their bouncy songs through the late spring and summer all over easte