The Art of Gardening

The Art of Gardening

January bird of the month: Brown Creeper

January 02, 2014

The Brown Creeper

One of the few birds who comes TO Ohio for winter! The male and female are identical, about 5†long, small, and thin. Their heads, wings, and back are a speckled brown and white, with their underside being white from chin to belly.  Their thin, curved bill is excellent for digging insects from tree bark and crevices. Though they eat mostly insects, in winter Brown Creepers will eat suet, peanut butter, nuts, seeds, and corn. An easy way to identify them is by their movement: creepers start at the bottom of a trunk and move up (the opposite of nuthatches). You can also see them leaving the top of one trunk to the bottom of another to start the food search again. When threatened, the creeper will flatten itself against the tree trunk and hold itself perfectly still to hide its white belly. Lest you think they’re defenseless, they’ve also been seen chasing chipmunks and joining groups of nuthatches and kinglets to mob jays.

Click on the media player below to hear the Brown Creeper

Feed of the Month:  Peanut Splits

Who eats peanuts? Well, Brown Creepers of course! Also enjoyed by cardinals, blue jays, chickadees, woodpeckers, and nuthatches!  20% off any size for the month of January!






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