Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

Purple extraterrestrials and a Rendlesham series – Alien Invasion #251

November 15, 2018

On this episode of The Alien Invasion podcast, we talk life's many colours, have the details about a mini series being made about one of our favourite sightings?  Also, multiple unidentified craft hover over property in Colorado. Plus, Dave and Brad run down their picks.


What is the nicest alien race in the real world, and/or fiction?


A new research paper suggests that the first life on Earth might have had a lavender hue, and scientists might need to start looking for that same colour in their search for extraterrestrial life.

An eight-part  mini-series inspired by the “real-life” UFO incident that took place at a US air base close to the village of Rendlesham, Suffolk the UK in 1980 is being developed.


A witness in Colorado Springs reported watching five low-flying objects hover and move around their home for more than an hour.


Supergirl “Man of Steel”

Tales From the Loop RPG


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Opening theme - Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol

Closing theme - Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg

Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson -