Alien Invasion

Alien Invasion

New nearby planet and ET attack house for sale – Alien Invasion #231

November 17, 2017

On this episode of The Alien Invasion podcast, new nearby Earth-like planet found, and Arizona ranch being sold after string of alien attacks.  Dave and Brad will have a sighting, along with their picks and warnings too!  Thanks to Brian Jensen for becoming a partner with the Galactic Network!!


If you could be an eyewitness to any of the famous UFO incidents, which one would it be and why?


You may want to get used to the name Ross 128 b. The newly discovered exoplanet is the second-closest found to our solar system, only 11 light-years away. And it could support life.

John Edmunds, owner of the Stardust Ranch in Rainbow Valley in Arizona, which is worth $5 million, is fed up with encounters with extraterrestrials and is now being forced to sell it.


A truck driver spots 7 foot tall, 'Grey' alien on the side of the road near Casper, Wyoming.


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Opening theme - Alien Syndrome by Monkey Warhol

Closing theme - Be Water by Rettward von Doernberg

Disclaimer audio recorded by Ben Olson -