The Alcomancer - A Fantasy Review

The Alcomancer - A Fantasy Review

Alcomancer 12 - Raymond E. Feist’s Magician

October 16, 2017

In this episode our gaze lingers on Fantasy giant Raymond E. Feist and his 1982 debut Magician. The first installment of one Fantasy's longest running epics The Riftwar Cycle - which spans some thirty-odd books and as many years - Magician tells the story of Pug and his boyhood friend, Tomas, whose lives are forever changed when first they spy the wreck of a strange ship on the shore below their home of Crydee Castle. This discovery sets their feet upon the path to greatness and together the two must navigate the pitfalls of a world plunged into inter-stellar conflict, grapple with raging hormones, achieve mastery of most puissant arts and, worst of all, talk to girls.
This is the final episode for Season One of the Alcomancer, and we don't do encores. Hold fast, for Season Two this way comes.