The Alcomancer - A Fantasy Review

The Alcomancer - A Fantasy Review

Alcomancer 10 - Ken Liu’s Grace of Kings

July 30, 2017

Back again from yet another adventure in far flung lands under alien skies we return with stories from the Islands of Dara. Stories which tell of a people beset by war, torn apart by ideals and of those amongst them who strive to build anew. On tonight’s menu its Ken Liu’s much acclaimed ‘The Grace of Kings’ (2015), the first installment of the Dandelion Dynasty series. We’ll be serving up hot topics such as the role of technology in Fantasy, the role of pig wrestling in military drills, and asking hard questions like what is a mechanical cruben really? And how the fuck does it work?Sounds delicious.
As usual this episode is not without its giveaways but rest assured, unlike inferior dishes served elsewhere, this plot will not spoil easy!
And for those already itching in their pants for where the life of adventure might lead next, be warned, for those who march with Glen Cook’s ‘The Black Company’, there’s no going home.