The Advertising Antidote

The Advertising Antidote

Gen Z Speaks and Retailers Should Listen

April 25, 2017

Standing and gazing out the front window of your store you see a cloud on the distant horizon. You look closer. It's moving closer. It's not a cloud. It's a mass of humanity slowly shuffling towards your store. Arms outstretched, a glazed and distant look in their eyes,slack jawed faces filled with hunger. Hunger for what? Suddenly you're filled with fear and dread. Is this it? The Zombie Apocalypse? Don't be ridiculous, it's Generation Z, a subset of the Millennials. They have money to spend, they'll eventually grow into one of the largest demographics, and all they need are the right reasons to choose your store. Discover... What they look for. How they shop. Where they shop. How they compare to other demographics. How technology affects their customer experience in your store. And.. The 3 things your store needs to keep this group engaged at your store.