The Advertising Antidote

The Advertising Antidote

Innovate or Get Trumped

February 14, 2017

It's never polite to mix good conversation with politics. So we stay true to form and try no to mix the two. Be warned my world weary listeners, we will invoke the name of President Donald Trump. Not for weighing in on the political debate, but more as a cautionary tale of leading with emotion over calm discourse in all business decisions.  And... As for cautionary tales in retail, Stevin Dee opens this discussion up with an excellent example which clearly demonstrates how clinging to the old ways can drastically harm your business. We also take a look at some  headlining retailers that either need to innovate, have waited too long, or are are the right track. If you've read this far and are waiting for our Tip of The week, let's just say it's all in our title this week.