The Advertising Antidote

The Advertising Antidote

Calling in Sick Trumps Management Martyrdom

December 20, 2016

The #1 reason you don't call in sick is because you believe the store will fall apart without you. Does the nation fall apart without a President? So why is it that most managers and owners feel driven to come in sick and less prepared to let the people under them guide the ship in their absence? 33% of men are likely to work sick. 17% of women do this too. 13% of all workers believe no one can do their job as well as they can, and if they're not there they'll have to spend their time fixing problems caused by co-workers. Leadership is all about the example you set and the people you elevate. Discover the two main reasons most managers fail to set the right example, come into work sick and cause more problems for the store in the long run.